calling her by her full name (requested)

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"Hey, Jen!" You cheerfully spoke as your girlfriend entered the bedroom.

You were so happy to see that she was finally home.

She left very early this morning before the sun was even up because she had a very busy day planned.

The sun went down a few hours ago and you can tell she's completely exhausted and you understand why.

Your poor girlfriend has probably been on her feet all day, working hard like the busy bee that she is.

"How was your day?"


It was only one word, a lot less than you thought you'd get in response.

You also detected the grumpiness in her voice as the word was more of a grumble than anything else.

But you brushed it off, knowing that she was tired and most likely didn't mean anything by it.

"You look tired."

"Wonder why that could be." She grumbled, yet again.

You frowned a little.

You hadn't meant that in a bad way. You would never.

"Why don't you come to bed? I can get you some water or make you something to eat if you're hungry." You offered.

"I'm not. I ate a little while ago, on my way home."

"Okay. That's fine. Do you maybe want to take a quick shower? I can run you a bath if that would be more relaxing for you. I can get you whatever you need!" You said as you got up and walked to her, placing your hand on the small of her back ever so gently.

But you pulled away, a small gasp falling from your lips as you jumped due to how quickly she turned to face you, a frustrated look in her eyes.

"Can't you just leave me alone? I had a hard day. I just want to curl up in bed. You don't need to ask me a hundred questions and be a little pest about it. If I want or need something, I'll do it myself!"

You were taken aback by her words and the way she was speaking to you. You wouldn't even try to deny it.

"You're so damn annoying sometimes, I swear." She grumbled as she finished changing into her pajamas before going over to the bed.

She was still grumbling to herself and instead of your feelings being hurt, you were angrier than anything else.

"Jennie Kim!" You yelled and she instantly turned her head to stare at you, her lips parted and her eyes wide over you using her full name. "Don't talk to me that way. I know you had a rough day and you're exhausted and I understand that. If you need space and sleep, I understand. But you do not talk to me like that when I did nothing to deserve it! Say you're sorry."

You were completely serious as you folded your arms over your chest.

And Jennie was still shocked over you using her full name. She wasn't even going to argue with you about anything. She was wrong, she messed up by saying the things she said to you, and you deserved an apology for it.

"I'm sorry, baby." She sighed before patting your side of the bed.

You happily got into bed with her and she put her arms around you, hugging you close.

"I truly am sorry. I didn't mean anything that I said. You're right - I had a bad day but it's not an excuse to talk to you the way that I did and I feel bad about it. Forgive me?"

"Of course, I do, my love. I'm sorry if I was bugging you by asking you a bunch of questions. I just want to take care of you and be here for you when you need something on days like these."

"I know and I'm very thankful. I love you."

"I love you too, Jennie Kim."

"Please don't use my full name." She groaned as she put her forehead on your shoulder. "It scares me."

"At least I know how to always get your attention."

She giggled and kissed your neck.

"I'll have to keep that in mind for next time."

"Oh, trust me, baby. After hearing you use my full name like you did a few minutes ago, I'm not ever making this mistake again."

You kissed her head, chuckling happily against it as you held onto each other, both of you feeling much better and much happier now.

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