she comes home from tour

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Jennie felt the weight on her shoulders immediately fade away as she walked through the front door of your shared home. The house was pitch black, but it came as no surprise since it was well after two in the morning.

She didn't plan on arriving so late today. She had a couple of delays on her flight home and got in only about twenty minutes ago. Before finally getting home, she was dragging her feet through the airport and watching all the sights pass by of your familiar neighborhood, just counting down the minutes till she could crawl into bed by your side again.

But she was getting a second wind now. She was anything but tired. In fact, her hands were shaking from excitement! She was so excited to see you and be by your side once more after spending the last several weeks away.

But she knew you had to be asleep, so she was watching her every move to try to be as quiet as possible so she wouldn't disturb you. She quietly closed and locked the front door behind her before putting her things down and taking her shoes off. She put her keys on the table and kept her shoes by the door.

She crept up the stairs as her heart began to hammer against her ribcage. She's been waiting for this night and she felt as though she couldn't make it up the stairs fast enough. She was going as fast as her feet could carry her until she stood at the door. It was only open a crack but she peeked inside and thanks to the moonlight coming through your window, she could see your sleeping figure before she even stepped inside.

The door creaked as she pushed it open but you only turned in bed and let out a few soft sounds before getting right back to sleep. Finally, now, she could see your face through something other than her laptop or phone screen.

She was smiling from ear to ear as soon as she saw you curled up in bed. In your sleep, you rolled onto her side. Your cheek laid on her pillow and the lingering smell of her perfume lingered both there and the hoodie she left behind for you that you threw on before falling asleep. Your hair was messy and spread out around the pillow and on occasion, a little soft snore would fall from your lips and it only made butterflies fill her chest.

She planned to crawl into bed and surprise you there by pulling you into her arms. But a floorboard creaked under her feet and your eyes flew open. She watched you sit up and was quick to calm your nerves.

"Shh, baby. It's okay. It's only me."

You turned the light on and took a good look at her before rubbing your eyes.

"Am I dreaming again?"

She shook her head with a laugh and crawled into bed. She noticed the blanket was over your feet and you had her shorts on, meaning that your soft skin was exposed and she didn't hesitate to lay her hand on your thigh. Your skin felt warm and soft against the tips of her fingers and at her comforting touch, you knew it was all real.

"Jen," you mumbled in disbelief, almost tearing up from the happiness you felt.

"I'm here, baby girl."

And with that, you were in her arms. You crawled onto her lap and hugged her tight; something you've been counting down the days to be able to do. Only it came a couple of days earlier than planned, although you weren't complaining.

"Oh, baby." She whispered as she buried her lips in your hair. A few kisses were left to the crown of your head before she breathed in the smell of your shampoo; the citrus smell filling her lungs and therefore, filling her chest with butterflies again.

"I've missed you!"

"I've missed you too. How have you been?" She asked as she pulled away from the hug. But she kept you on her lap and in her arms. Her hand gently fell onto your cheek and you leaned into her touch, making her smile happily.

"I've been okay, but it's been tough without you. The bed felt so empty and it was weird coming home to an empty house and no kisses or hugs from you."

"Well, no more worrying about that. I'm home now and I'm all yours for a bit."

You dropped your forehead against hers and sent her a smile so bright her heart leaped in her chest.

"You must be so tired." You mumbled and caressed her cheek but she just shook her head and gently wrapped her fingers around yours to bring your palm to her lips so she could kiss across it.

"Not really. I'm happy; so happy."

"I'm happy too, but I can see the dark circles under your eyes."

She frowned but a kiss to her lips made it fade away and tug up into a much happier smile. She melted into your kiss and wrapped her arms around your back to tug you closer.

She could feel the beat of your heart against hers and her fingers shook as they landed on your sides. Feeling your soft skin and every beat of your heart while relishing in the taste of your lips was overwhelming, but oh so perfect.

"I've missed you so much." She whispered against your lips. "And I love you more than words could ever say."

You pulled away from her lips and she whined. She was in her favorite pair of sweats and a cozy sweater, so she was cozy enough to lay back and fall asleep.

You pushed at her shoulders to make her fall onto the mattress. You laid your index finger over her lips as she puckered them, hoping she'd kiss your lips again.

"Go to sleep."

She frowned and pouted her lips, so you pecked them a few times to make her smile again.

"We've got all the time in the world together now that you're home. Besides, you've been busy and need a good night's sleep. I love you lots. Please get some rest."

She sighed but gave in and closed her eyes as you turned out the light.

You laid back and she pulled you close. Your head fell to her chest and she held you tight as she drifted off to sleep.

"Now I can sleep." She mumbled. "I'm so happy yo be able to hold you again. I love you."

"I love you, baby. Sleep tight."

You watched her breathe as she drifted off to sleep, bound to get a good night's rest with how much sleep she's been lacking and the warmth and security she feels now that you're back in her arms.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now