the lucky one (requested)

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"Are you going to go out in the crowd or stay back here tonight? The show is starting in just a couple of minutes." Jennie said as she came up behind you, dropping a soft kiss to your shoulder.

"I'm going to watch from the crowd." You said and turned to face her and your jaw almost hit the floor when you saw her.

You couldn't help but giggle when she playfully poked your red cheeks and then kissed your nose.

"Are you okay?" She asked, almost teasingly. She knows she's the reason why you're so mesmerized, why you can barely form any words as you stare at her.

"Yeah. You're just... so beautiful, Jen. I'm really happy to be back with you and to see you shine again."

She pulled you in for a sweet kiss; one you both secretly wished she'd initiated sooner because now you both want to melt into each other. The kisses you share are so good, so passionate, and full of so much love that you both always struggle to pull away.

She pulled away slowly with a smile on her face.

"Well, I've got a very special show planned." She winked, causing you to furrow your eyebrows, because what the hell could she mean by her having a special show planned?

You had no idea. You didn't have the chance to ask, because the girls were joining your sides and dragging her on stage before she could even try to give you another smooch like she so wanted.

You couldn't help but giggle, already missing her arms around you and her sweet kisses. But, up until today, you went months without her by your side to hug and kiss. You could make it two hours, especially when you get to be out in the crowd and watch your girl shine like the brightest star she is.

A security guard came up to you, helping you out into the crowd and to the front row. Jennie knows since your relationship has become so public recently, that people will recognize you. Though you've got some very supportive fans on your side, there are some that are also far from being your biggest fan and she wants you safe at all times.

He was to remain by your side the entire time, during any and every show you decide to watch from the crowd until the tour ends and you and Jennie go back to your shared home in just a couple of weeks.

The fans screamed at the top of their lungs when the girls came out on stage. Although you're always blown away by how insanely talented all four of them are, your eyes, of course, followed Jennie the most.

You couldn't put your finger on it, but she seemed to be acting a little sexier than usual already. However, you haven't seen the show through anything but your screen when you find clips over social media or Jennie would have a crew member film a few things so she could send you sneak peeks of what to expect whenever you'd come to visit her. So, you thought, maybe, you missed certain parts or it was just in your head.

However, it became very evident as the show went on that it was not in your head. Fans around you were squealing a little over how she seemed to be acting sexier tonight. You couldn't help but grin as you stared her in the eyes with every move she made. She was driving you insane, acting sexier on purpose.

All of the already sexy moves she does throughout songs like kill this love, how you like that, and pretty savage seemed so much more intense. You licked your lips every time she'd move her hips and your cheeks would heat up whenever she'd smirk at you, even more so when fans would notice where she was looking and smirking at and would turn their attention to you.

Your heart hammered against your chest, your hands shaking as you watched your girl drive everyone insane throughout the performances and you'd find yourself smirking a little to know, deep down, that all the fans in that crowd know you're the one that is lucky enough to call her yours.

Her sexiness, her confidence, her passion, and her cuteness all seemed amplified tonight. You and the fans weren't the only ones to notice. The girls all picked up on it, trying to find the perfect time to confront Jennie with their questions and giggles, only to hold them back to see how far she'd end up going.

And it was almost too much for you. You swear that you thought your heart might explode from your chest. Your desirous gaze wouldn't fade, just like the smirk on her face as she did things she knows drives you wild, such as biting her lip or moving her hips a lot during the sexy dances, whereas she was all bright and cute smiles, blowing kisses your way, dancing adorably, and making little hearts with her fingers during the cuter songs.

By the time the show ended, you almost felt like you might just faint.

"Okay, before we do the last song, I just want to say something." Lisa started to say as she cleared her throat and walked to Jennie, who was sipping on her water and staring at you. "Jennie? What's up with the exaggerated cuteness and sexiness tonight?"

The fans screamed a little louder and Jennie giggled, being too into her antics until now to really realize how many people would be witnessing everything.

"I know the answer," Rosie said, smiling as she nodded to you.

"Y/N, Jennie's girl, is here tonight."

Jennie giggled, her cheeks turning red as you stared at her with a big smile.

"Showing off for her girl, huh?" Jisoo teased. "Someone is blushing." She said, poking Jennie's cheeks playfully.

You blew her a kiss before walking backstage, deciding you'd wait for her there.

You watched from backstage as they finished with as if it's your last. They took their bows as they finished, blowing kisses and waving to some fans in the crowd before Jennie rushed backstage to you and the girls slowly headed backstage, too.

"Hey, baby." She grinned. "What'd you think of the show?"

"Oh, I loved it."

She laughed as you pulled her into your arms and then in for a passionate kiss.

"You're so sexy, Jennie. You drove me crazy. I almost thought I might just pass out a couple of times."

She giggled against your kips as you brought her in for another kiss.

"I love you." She whispered softly, staring at you with bright eyes.

"Oh, I love you more." You grinned.

"You're being talked about all over social media already!" Rosie yelled from across the room, to which Jennie laughed and held you close.

"Let them talk. At least they know you're taken and I'm the lucky one to call you mine." You spoke as you leaned in for a steamy kiss and she knew right then and there that this steamy kiss was going to be the first of many tonight.

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