meeting for the first time after dating long-distance (requested)

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Jennie yawned as she stood in the airport, looking through the crowd of people either getting ready to board their flights or just landing.

It's just a little after two am and she's tired after a busy day in the studio.

But she felt that it was all worth it, putting in extra work these last few days so she can have a few days off to spend with you while you're in Seoul for the very first time.

She's never been more excited or happier about anything in all of her life.

You've been dating for the last seven months, but you've never met face to face.

Neither of you has had the time to be able to pack up and book flights to come to see each other... until today.

She never would've imagined she'd be one of the people that fall in love with someone over the internet, someone she's never even seen face to face.

But here she is, head over heels for you, seven months after getting to know you online, about to finally see you face to face.

She stood on her tiptoes, eyes wide open as she looks around everywhere for you.

But over the chatter coming from around her, she heard your familiar voice calling out her name.

She quickly looked to where it was coming from and for the very first time, your eyes met from across the room.

She gasped as she saw you, mesmerized from the very first second.

You both froze on your feet, so in awe that you could just stare at each other.

But then, she watched you run to her as you made your way through the crowd of people to get to her as fast as you could, so ready to break the distance and finally get to throw your arms around her.

She rushed to you and you dropped your things onto the floor before she pulled you into her arms, lifting your feet off the ground to spin you around.

"Hi," she squealed as she peppered a few kisses to your head.

"Hi, Jen! I'm so happy to finally see you face to face instead of through my phone screen!"

She gently put you on your feet but kept her arms wrapped around you while you kept yours around her neck.

She didn't say a word for a moment.

She just stared at you with stars in her eyes.

Every second her eyes traveled across your face, they'd sparkle a little brighter and her smile would grow.

"What are you thinking?" You asked and she laid her forehead on yours, grinning from ear to ear.

"You're just so beautiful." She smiled. "I knew you were beautiful when we'd FaceTime, through the way you speak, the sound of your voice, and your laugh. But seeing you in person like this... you're even more beautiful than I ever thought was possible."

"Oh, Jennie," you giggled and stared at her lips. "You're beautiful. But you also look very tired."

"Yeah, well you do too. You're the one who had a long flight. Are you tired? Jet lagged at all?"

You shook your head and she grinned.

"I'm here with you, at last. I know it's late and you must be so exhausted-"

"I'm tired but I'll be okay. Do you feel like going to grab some food or something? I know this amazing diner nearby that's still open."

"I'd love that."

You looked from her and to your bags then back at her.

She, of course, would help you get your things.

But first, there was something else she needed to do.

She hooked her fingers under your chin and pulled you in for a kiss, her lips meeting yours for a few sweet brushes.

She pulled away slowly only to smile against your lips as you captured her lips with yours for a few sweet pecks.

"This is going to be the most amazing week of my life." She said. "I'm so happy to be able to be with you."

"Same here," you smiled and pecked her lips a few more times. "C'mon. I'm hungry and I want to explore a little if you're up for it."

"I'm up for anything, darling." She smiled and kissed your cheek.

"We've got a week for you to show  me all the places that are important to you."

"And anything else your heart desires," she said, fingers intertwining with yours as she helped you carry your bags out the door.

You'd go to bed sometime tonight at her place, where she, of course, offered you to stay.

But for now, you just want to be with her.

You want to soak up all the sights, learn more about the beautiful culture, and enjoy your time with your girlfriend.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt