she comes home from tour sick

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You've been waiting for this day to come for the last three months. You've counted the days down and you waited for them to pass by. They dragged by. Some were longer than others, some more agonizing and lonely. Some days the house felt too big and some nights the bed felt too cold.

But you made it through. Though at times it didn't feel like it was enough, you got through the days with phone calls that lasted hours, and you FaceTime whenever you got the chance.

But now, she's finally coming home!

You have so many ideas of what you can do together when she gets in! You're bouncing on your heels, too excited to stand still any longer.

Taking one more look around only to find that none of the girls have yet arrived, you pulled out your phone to occupy yourself.

But as soon as it was out of your pocket a text from Lisa appeared. You quickly pulled it up and your excitement grew when you saw it said they'd arrived, only to frown when she followed it up with a message saying that Jennie felt unwell.

You heard your name being yelled, so you lifted your head and looked in the direction it was coming from. Rose excitedly rushed over to you, throwing her arms around you for a huge hug; one you happily reciprocated.

"It's so good to see you again!"

"You too!" You spoke happily. "Hey, is Jennie okay? Lisa texted me a minute ago, saying that you all arrived but Jennie's feeling unwell."

Rose nodded sadly.

"I think she's got some kind of stomach bug. Stomach hurts, slight fever."

Your heart sank. You felt quite sad just thinking about her feeling unwell. You really couldn't care less about how you spend the day together, you just hate the thought of her feeling sick.

You opened your mouth to speak but closed it almost instantly when you saw Jisoo and Lisa walking with Jennie.

She looked drained of all her energy.

She leaned her head on Jisoo's shoulder as she walked and tried hard to keep her eyes open with every step she took.

"Jennie!" You called out but your voice was laced with worry instead of excitement.

She lifted her head and stopped walking. She stared at you for a moment, frozen on her shaky knees. But when she realized that you were only hundreds of feet away from her, she started to walk toward you as quickly as she could.

You met her halfway and instead of throwing your arms around her, you let her throw her arms around you.

And though you felt sad about her being so sick, you couldn't deny how good you felt to be able to hold her back in your arms. It felt good. It felt like all of your worries and all the sadness you've felt from the day she left slipped away.

"I missed you." She mumbled before pulling away to cough into her elbow.

"I missed you too." You whispered back before laying your hand against her forehead. "You're warm. We should get you home, okay?"

She nodded and Lisa handed you Jennie's things before she and Jisoo hugged you, telling Jennie to feel better and for you to keep them in the loop before you put your arm around your girlfriend to lead her to the car.

"Do you wanna lay in the backseat?"

She shook her head, although she did crack a small smile at the kind offer.

"I'll be okay."

"If you're sure." You said, kissing her temple and starting the car before driving away.

It took a bit to get home. Traffic was a bit heavy. But if there was any upside, it was that Jennie had fallen asleep and it gave her a chance to sleep off whatever stomach bug she had; even if only for a good thirty-five minutes.

You arrived home but opened and closed the doors quietly. You grabbed her things and took them inside before you came back out for her.

Kneeling on the ground, you rubbed her thigh and watched her eyes slowly open.

"Hey, sleepyhead. We're home."

"Okay." She mumbled and put her head back, making you chuckle.

"No, c'mon, baby. Let's get you to bed. I promise we'll get there quick."

She whined but let you pull her out of the car and lead her inside by taking her by her hand.

"Can we just lay on the sofa? I'm tired. My stomach hurts."

Your heart sank a little deeper.

"I know. I'm sorry you don't feel good, baby. But you're gonna feel so much better in bed. It'll be nice to lay in our bed instead of the one on the tour bus or in a hotel room."

"Okay." She sighed. "Hold me?"

You let her lay her head on your shoulder as you helped her up the stairs. You ran your hand along the small of her back and kept giving her encouragement, telling her that you were almost up to bed.

And she practically fell onto the mattress when you reached the bed.

"It feels good to be home." She mumbled, eyes closing tight, only to open them with a whine when you ran your hand along her arm.

"It's okay, my love. I got you a cozy shirt to wear. Let's get you changed into it."

She nodded, wincing when her stomach felt like it was turning, as though she was gonna be sick.

"Are you okay?"

"No. I just feel terrible."

"I'm sorry you feel so lousy, baby. Do you think you'll be sick?"

She shrugged.

You helped her into her shirt then made sure the trash can was closer to her; just in case.

"You're feverish, baby. Lay down."

She nodded and fell back onto the mattress. Her head hit the pillows and she hummed. The pillowcases felt cold and it felt good against her cheeks.

"I feel bad."

"Why?" You frowned as you draped the blanket to her shoulders.

"Because I had so many plans for us today. I wanted to spend the day with you."

"We're spending time together right now." You spoke softly. "I know it sucks feeling sick, I just want you to feel better. I'm more than happy to spend the day with you here. Cuddling in bed with you."

She closed her eyes, melting into your touch as you caressed her cheek lovingly.

"Just get some rest."

"I love you, y/n. I promise that when I feel better I'm taking you to dinner."

"Looking forward to it, baby. I love you too. Now sleep tight. If you need anything, I'm right here with you."

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