happiness (requested)

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"Are you falling asleep on me already?" Jennie teased, her fingertips running along your back ever so softly as she stared down at you, watching closely as your eyelashes fluttered against your cheeks.

You cracked a smile and despite the fact that she's seen it almost every day for the past seventeen years, she swears that every time, she just falls even more in love with you.

"No. I'm awake and I'm having fun." You said as you opened your eyes, meeting hr big bright orbs that were staring back at you. "I love our nights together."

"Me too, baby." She said and pecked your lips softly before dropping her forehead against yours, sending you a smile that was almost as wide as yours.

Despite all the years that have gone by, your wife is still on top of the world in her career. That, along with taking care of two kids, has made your quality time hard to get. You soak in these nights when both of them are fast asleep and you get to just watch movies and hold onto each other.

"I swear that you just get even more beautiful every single day." She whispered as she stroked your cheek before leaning in to kiss the tip of your nose ever so softly. You scrunched it up and she laughed before she pecked your lips through your giggles.

But the peck only made you want more. You stole another from her lips, then chased her lips for another and another, before they grew passionate and you were lying on your back, anticipating even more kisses.

However, the sound of giggles made you both pull away. One was obviously your daughter's. She's fourteen and she's quite bright and happy; you know that giggle by heart.

But there was an unfamiliar one mixing with it. It was a boy's giggle, a very deep one, and that worried the both of you immediately because although you have a son, he's much younger and there's no way that it'd belong to him.

You both stared at each other in shock for a second before it sank in. Your minds jumped to the worst-case scenario as you jumped out of bed and rushed across the hall to her room. Her door was closed but it was unlocked and you both got the shock of your lives upon opening it.

Inside, you found your daughter making out with a boy who looked about her age. Soft music quietly played over the speakers in her room and you noticed that one of the buttons on her shirt had been undone.

"Mia," Jennie spoke sternly, causing the young teenager to sit up quickly and the boy to sit beside her, swallowing thickly out of nervousness. "What is happening in here? Who is this boy?"

She looked at him before looking at the both of you. Sighing, she confessed quickly to a secret she's been keeping from the both of you for a while now.

"My boyfriend."

You and Jennie stared at each other for a second, surprised and a little disappointed that this is how you found out about your daughter's relationship.

"His name is Luke and we've been together for a few months now. I met him through my friends."

"How did he get in your room?" Jennie asked curiously and your daughter quickly nodded to her open window. "You snuck him in? Do you realize what time it is?"

"Please don't be mad." She pleaded, staring at you both with hopeful eyes as she scooted closer to her boyfriend, moving into his arms. "I really like him."

"You think we're mad about you having a boyfriend?"

She shrugged and you sighed before walking to them both as Jennie trailed behind you.

"Honey, we'd never be mad about that. We want you to be happy. It doesn't matter who you find that with, we want the best for you."

"Yeah, we just don't like that we found out this way. Sneaking anyone in this late isn't allowed and definitely not someone you're in a relationship with."

She nodded understandingly.

"It's nice to meet you." You smiled as you held your hand out to Luke, her boyfriend. He seemed really relieved and quickly shook your hand before gazing at your daughter.

Oh, you recognized that look in his eyes.

It's the same one you and Jennie always stared at each other with when you first fell in love and still do, to this very day.

It's the starry eyes, the smile that tugs at his lips when she stares at him or smiles herself. It's one of care. One of... love.

"No more sneaking in at eleven at night," Jennie warned teasingly as she shook his head. "We're happy for you. If you make our girl happy, then we're happy. She's really special, so please treat her right."

"I promise I will. She deserves the world. It's all I want for her to have."

You couldn't help but smile as he gave her a squeeze, causing her to giggle and hug him back.

"Okay, lovebirds. It's time to call it a night. You've got school in the morning." Jennie said and they both nodded quickly.

"Hey, Luke, how would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow?"

His eyes lit up at your offer.

"I'd love that."

"Cool. We'll see you then, okay?"

He nodded and you let her lead him down the stairs while you and Jennie gave them a moment alone, to kiss goodbye.

"She's growing up," Jennie whispered quietly. "We knew this day would come. She's falling in love."

"Yeah. I'm happy for her, though. That's all we ever want for them; to see them happy."

She nodded and held you tightly, both of you a little emotional over your daughter growing up, but happy she's found someone to always have her back and give her the world; which she deserves, at the very least.

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