passing out in her arms (requested)

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You wanted nothing more than to go straight back to sleep when you awoke.

Your stomach felt sore, your muscles achy, and your throat sore both from being so dry and from how much you've been throwing up for the last day or so.

You reached for some water on the nightstand, only to feel that the bottle was empty. You whined, but it quickly turned into a raspy cough, making your groan and squeeze your eyes shut.

In need of some water before you could even try to get back to sleep, you went to reach for Jennie but pulled your hand back suddenly when you heard her snoring softly.

While you've been absolutely miserable while sick, Jennie has been waiting on you hand and foot. From water to soup to a cool cloth on your forehead to try to help cool you down when you felt hot, she's been there to get you anything and everything that would make you feel better without a second thought.

Which is why you're hesitant to wake her. While you always love and admire how much she loves and cares for you, you know she's gotta be worn out.

You were throwing everything in your stomach up in the early hours of the morning last night and she was right there to hold your hair back and try to reassure you when you'd plead for her to make it stop.

She's gotta be exhausted. Before you got sick she was working hard. She's tired, and you don't want to wake her.

Reaching for the empty water bottle, you grabbed it in your trembling hands and slowly sat up. The room was dark and you were weak, so you found yourself holding onto the bedposts and the wall as you exited the bedroom.

You made it down the stairs and into the kitchen without any problems. You reached into the fridge, grabbing some water and sipping on it right away. It was cold, soothing your sore throat.

But only a moment later, the room was beginning to spin. You swallowed thickly as you started to feel sick to your stomach once more.

Gripping onto the counter to keep yourself steady as you grew weaker, you closed your eyes and waited for it to pass.


The light was flipped on and you opened your eyes just in time to find Jennie rushing to you. Her hand fell onto your back and while she breathed out a sigh of relief, you breathed out a shaky breath and squeezed your eyes closed once again.

"You scared me! I woke up and you weren't there. I thought you were throwing up again or something." She mumbled, dropping her forehead and onto your shoulder only to feel your still hot skin against her forehead. "You're burning up, baby. What on earth are you doing out of bed? You should be resting!"

You only responded with a whimper and hung your head. She looked to find your knuckles turning white from your tight grip on the counter and her heart started to pound in fear.

"What's wrong?"

"I feel dizzy." You mumbled.

"Okay. Let it pass then it's straight back up to bed."

You parted your lips, wanting to assure her that you were okay because you knew she was starting to worry more than she'd been before.

But you only swayed on your feet. You tried to open your eyes but they felt heavy and you could feel your grip loosening as everything began to spin and turn black.

Jennie gasped as your hand slid off the edge of the counter and by your side. Your head hit her shoulder, your knees buckling under you as you passed out in her arms.

"Y/n? Y/n! Oh my gosh, please open your eyes, baby! Please!" She pleaded as she gently laid you on the floor. But your eyes were closed and they weren't opening.

In a panic, she ran up the stairs faster than she ever had before. She was breathless when she was by your side again only seconds later when she returned with her phone in her shaky hands.

She called emergency services and caressed your cheek while repeating your name again and again.

You stirred, her voice faint as your eyes remained closed. You could hear her voice trembling and felt her comforting touch bit you felt tired, so tired.

"Y/n? An ambulance is coming. Please wake up, please." She cried, phone nearly falling out of her hand as she sobbed.

She's been so worried about you over the last few hours while you've been sick and now she just felt terrified. Her heart was sinking deep in her chest, tears stung her eyes and her hands were trembling.

"Jennie?" You mumbled as you stirred. You opened your eyes but they closed again as they felt heavy to keep open.

"I'm here, baby girl. It'll only be a minute till help gets here. Just keep your eyes open for me, okay?" She tried to hide her tears and worried eyes but it was impossible not to notice when you opened your eyes to stare into hers.

There was a knock at the door and she only let go of you to rush to the front door to let the medics inside.

Their words faded in and out. Your head felt too heavy to hold up, so you let it fall against Jennie's shoulder as they checked you over.


One of them spoke, causing Jennie's heart to sink deep in her chest.

"We should take her to the hospital to get fluids in her."

The room was starting to spin for Jennie now. She felt like she might throw up or pass out herself, but you whimpered as you started to feel sick again and she was trying her hardest to stay calm for you.

"It'll be alright, baby. I'll be there with you, right by your side. I promise." She spoke, but her voice was faint as your eyes grew heavy once more.


You awoke to Jennie's voice in your ear and the feeling of her thumb brushing along your knuckles.

Faintly, you could hear a steady beeping sound and another voice in the room, although unfamiliar.

You opened your eyes to find Jennie sitting on a chair beside you while you lied on a bed. She sent you a small smile and brushed her fingers through your hair.

"There you are. My baby." She kissed your forehead. "You're okay. You scared the hell out of me." She chuckled and though you felt tired, you felt better than before.

But before you could voice that, you felt a pinch in your hand. Wincing, you looked down to find an iv going into your arm and a nurse sending you a reassuring smile when you looked up.

"You're dehydrated, my love. Gotta get some fluids in you. They say we can go back home in a few hours, though." Jennie whispered, caressing your cheek and watching as the color returned to your skin.

"Sorry for scaring you."

"Why were you out of bed in the first place?"

You bit your lip, guilt washing over you as you looked into her eyes.

"I needed some water. You've been taking such great care of me, waiting on me hand and foot, and I didn't want to wake you."

"You should've woken me!" She whispered before breathing out a long sigh. "I might be tired but I'd rather get you everything you need than has to worry about you like this."

"I'm sorry." You apologized, pout forming on your lips. "I feel terrible about scaring you."

"Don't be." She assured. "You're gonna be just fine now. Just know that when we get home you're going straight up to bed and I'm taking care of you until you are perfectly healthy again."

You liked the sound of that; now that you'd gone through something so scary, you felt that you needed her the most.

"I love you."

She brushed her lips against your cheek with a smile.

"I love you too, my beautiful girl. More than you'll ever know." She whispered, gazing at you with soft eyes as her worries and fears all faded away now that you were getting better.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now