she thinks you're cheating with Lisa (requested)

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"Oh, look, you're finally home," Jennie spoke as she watched you walk inside the house, finally arriving home after your day out with Lisa.

"Well, hello to you too, baby." You joked and Jennie rolled her eyes at you from where she sat on the sofa.

"Look how late it is! It's after midnight. You and Lisa have been out together since eight o'clock this morning!"

"Wait, Jen. Are you seriously getting upset with me being out with Lisa for the entire day? She's your best friend and you said you didn't feel like doing anything today. She wanted to hang out and she's not just your friend, she's my friend too. We've become close over the time you and I have been together."

She scoffed and then clenched her jaw as you stormed into the kitchen, in need of some water.

"She's your friend? You've gotten close since we started dating? How close exactly?"

You couldn't believe what you were hearing your girlfriend say.

Turning around to face her, you stared at her in disbelief.

"I know you're not thinking what I think you're thinking."

She shrugged her shoulders.

"You actually think that because Lisa and I are close, because we hung out all day today, that I'm cheating on you?"

"I don't know, y/n! You said you'd only be gone a few hours! What'd you even do for the entire day?"

"We went through town. We ate, we did some shopping, we got some fresh air as we strolled through the city together. We enjoyed some time together as friends."

She just scoffed again.

"Oh, come on, Jennie. Don't act like this! She's your best friend and I'm your girlfriend! Do you actually think we'd betray and hurt you like that?" You asked.

Your vision was beginning to blur as your eyes filled with tears as it hit you that she actually thought you were cheating on her, and with her best friend at that.

"I don't know, y/n." She sighed.

"If you don't believe me then you obviously don't trust me or Lisa. Tell me what we have if we can't even trust each other, Jennie!"

"Maybe we don't have anything then! Maybe we should just end things!" She shouted suddenly and your heart ached over her words.

Was she being serious?

"Jennie-" You started to plead, only for her to shake her head.

"I can't deal with this right now." She grumbled. "I'm going to clear my head, maybe go to Jisoo's for a while."

You didn't even have time to beg her to stay, because she walked out the front door without another word.

She slammed it behind her and as soon as it all hit you, you sat on the kitchen floor and began to cry.

It was almost as though you were having an emotional breakdown. The thought of losing her is too much for you to bear.

But then, the front door opened and Jennie came back inside.

"Forgot my keys and my phone." She grumbled and grabbed them, only to drop them again when she saw you.

You were sobbing with your face in your hands and your knees up to your chest.

She knew she was wrong. She knew it from the moment this stupid argument began. But she didn't want to actually admit it at the time.

But now that she saw you breaking down, she felt differently. She'd easily and happily admit that she was wrong and that none of this was your fault whatsoever.

She knelt down on the floor beside you and pulled you into her arms. You couldn't pull away even if you tried. You needed some comfort.

"I'm sorry." She whispered into your hair. "I'm so sorry. I was wrong and I know it. I just didn't want to admit it. I just missed you and I felt a little envious that you spent all day with Lisa. I was hoping to have a little time with you too, so I got a little upset, and I'm so sorry."

"You don't trust me." You cried.

"No, baby, I do. I trust you with all of my heart and soul. I promise you." She said as she pulled back and cupped your cheeks in her hands. "I'm sorry, my love."

"I swear, I'm not cheating on you. I'm just close with Lisa. Neither of us would ever do anything to hurt you like that. Everything I told you is everything we did today, I swear."

"I know." She whispered as she brushed her thumbs along your cheeks. "I'm sorry. Don't cry."

You put your head on her chest and she kissed your head and rubbed your back as you stopped crying.

"I should make you sleep on the couch tonight." You grumbled.

"I deserve it." She giggled. "If that's what you want, I will."

"I'll think about it." You mumbled as you stared up at her, watching as she smiled down at you.

"I am truly sorry though. You know I trust you, right? I trust you and I trust Lisa with everything I have and I know you'd never hurt me like that. I just really missed you today."

"I know." You said and when she leaned down to kiss you, you didn't stop her.

Her lips brushed softly against yours for a few seconds before she put her cheek on your head.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too, Jennie."

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now