you're scared of the dentist (requested)

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Your hands were shaking as soon as Jennie put the car in park.

You stared at the building in front of you with a feeling of dread rushing over you.

You can't explain how afraid you are of dentists. It scares you in a way that nothing else does and on days like these, when you have absolutely no other choice but to come, you always dread it.

However, for your visit today, you're not alone. Jennie has decided to come along.

You haven't exactly told her about your fear just yet but you saying that you didn't want to come alone was enough for her to ask you to schedule this appointment on her day off.

It might not be an exciting way to spend an hour of her day but if you didn't want to come alone, she wouldn't let you.

"Are you ready?" Jennie asked you, placing her hand over yours.

You swallowed thickly as your heart began to pound, the same anxiety you always feel when you come here was returning yet again.

"I guess." You spoke quietly and Jennie nodded, turning the car off and opening the door to get out.

You got out a few seconds later and took her hand right back into yours as you walked into the office.

Your grip was tight, way tighter than what Jennie is used to, and she frowned.

She knew something wasn't right.

"Hi." She greeted the lady at the desk. "My girlfriend has an appointment today."

It was only to get your teeth cleaned; a simple thing that caused you inexpressible fear.

You were told to sit down and wait a few minutes before you'd get called back.

As soon as you were sitting down, you began to bounce your knee nervously and your hand that was wrapped in Jennie's began to sweat.

"Everything okay, baby?" She asked as she squeezed your hand comfortingly. "You seem nervous."

"I'm terrified." You replied. "I have a huge fear of the dentist."

"What? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because no matter what I still need to come and get my teeth cleaned. Besides, it's not something I talk about very often. A lot of people just don't understand."

"Well, I do." She said as she cupped your cheek. "Y/N, it's okay to be afraid. A lot of people are scared of the dentist. It's not anything to be ashamed of."

"I know. I just hate coming here. I always feel this sense of dread that I rarely ever experience anywhere else. It's so scary."

"Well, you don't have to be afraid anymore because I'll come with you every single time from this day forward. I'll go back there with you and hold your hand if you want."

"That would actually help a lot."

"Then I'll happily do it." She smiled and kissed your cheek.

Right after, the door opened and your name was called.

Your breath hitched and your heart continued to race.

"It's okay, y/n. I'm here with you. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise."

She stood up, her hand still wrapped in yours, and she patiently waited for you to stand up with her.

You stood a few seconds later and walked into the back, Jennie following right behind you every step.

"Everything's going to be okay. I promise." She assured you as you sat in the chair. "I won't let your hand go this entire time. I'm right here."

You stared into her eyes, finding relief in her being by your side.

You'll still hate these days, but maybe they won't be as bad with Jennie by your side from now on.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now