flinching during a fight (requested)

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You put the now empty plates into the sink as the front door opened and closed behind Jennie. She called out for you as she kicked off her shoes and when she lifted her head and looked around for the first time since she came inside, she was awestruck by the sight in front of her.

With flower petals along the floor of the living room and into the kitchen, as well as along the staircase, and candles all around, she could tell something special was planned. There was an aroma in the air that made her mouth water but instead of seeing you smiling back at her when she stepped into the kitchen, she saw you looking annoyed and upset.

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" You scoffed and folded your arms over your chest, gazing at her in disbelief. "Take a look around, Jen! Look at everything special that I planned for our special date tonight. The one that you forgot about... again."

"I was-"

"Busy? Yeah, I got that."

She shook her head with a sigh and went to grab herself some water to wet her dry throat before she'd respond. But you started putting words in her mouth before she got the chance to respond and she started getting angry as they fell from your lips repeatedly.

"It doesn't even matter to you, does it? Our time together? Our dates?"

"Of course they do!"

"Well, you sure have a funny way of showing it since you never show up to them! Look at everything I went through to make this one special! For you. For us. This isn't the first date you've forgotten about this month! I was looking forward to this one and you didn't even show!"

"Well, I'm sorry that I have a job, y/n. I have things to do!" She yelled, raising her voice at you for the first time, which made you jump in fear. "Things come up in my line of work. You knew that before we even started dating. It's not like I intentionally forget these things-"

"The things that are only important to me... right?" You asked with sadness in your voice.

Feeling frustrated and trying to grab ahold of herself before she said things she knew she'd regret, she squeezed her eyes shut and clenched her jaw before raising her hand suddenly to run her fingers through her long locks.

But in the heat of the moment, the movement of her hand was so sudden, and the look in her eyes was one of fury and you couldn't help but flinch and cover your face.

"You know what, y/n-" she got ready to argue back with you, but when she turned to look at you she saw you cowering in fear and her fury faded completely. She looked between you and her right hand that she used to brush her hair back with as it all sank in and began to make sense.

"Y/n, baby, I-" She started to try to explain and she stepped closer, only for you to walk further and further away from her until you bumped into the wall.

She'd never felt so devastated before. The look of worry in your eyes, the way you slid down the wall and cried over the hurt in your heart, and the memory of you looking so afraid that she was gonna lay her hands on you in the moment of fury broke her.

She'd never be able to forget it, as much as she tried.

She stayed frozen on her feet and tried to think of what to say. But she couldn't. She couldn't find the words to say.

She looked over at you with tears in her eyes and saw you gazing at her the same. Your lip trembled and she slowly walked to you.

"Y/n..." she paused, holding back a sob that almost fell from her lips. "Y-You thought I was gonna hit you?" She asked in disbelief, the words creating an indescribable ache in her heart as they fell from her lips. "You thought I was so mad at you that I would put my hands on you? Y/n, I would never!" She cried. "I couldn't ever do that to you."

You slowly opened your arms and she knelt on the floor, pulling you against her chest. She was hesitant and she didn't dare hold you tight, worried that you were still fearful of her touch.

"I love you." She whispered tearfully against your head. "I would never hurt you. No matter what we're fighting about, no matter how frustrated I may feel, there would never be a time that I would ever lay my hands on you. Only when we play or I love on you. That is the only time, those will only ever be the only times I ever touch you. Never in anger would I hurt you."

You nodded and laid your head on her shoulder.


"Don't apologize. Don't be sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I scared you and I'm sorry I forgot our date. I'm sorry if I made you feel like I didn't care or that you're not important to me. I just got busy and I swear, I'd never blow you off or forget something purposely. I love you. You're my whole world."

You lifted your head and stared at her, finding tears falling down her cheeks as everything overwhelmed her.

"I know, Jennie. It's okay." You said and pulled her closer. You put your forehead on her shoulder and she did the same. "I know you'd never hurt me. I don't know what I was thinking. I love you so much."

"I love you more, baby." She whispered and laid a small kiss on your lips. "I'll make it up to you! I'll play sick tomorrow and we'll spend the day here together. Takeout, movies, cuddles, and anything else your pretty heart desires."

You smiled at the thought of a day just with her. It brought you so much happiness. Soon, you were crying tears of happiness, and instead and she dropped her forehead onto yours with a smile.

"I love you. I promise that I won't ever forget another date."

"I love you too, Jen. So much." You whispered before she brought you in for another kiss.

"I love you more," she said, tightening her arms around you to hold you close and tight in her embrace with no intention of letting you go anytime soon.

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