"that's hot" (requested)

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Slowly pulling away from the sweet kiss you'd been sharing, Jennie gently put her forehead on yours as she continued to hover over you.

Laying down on the hotel bed as you hold each other close and share loving kisses, you both felt as though you haven't been this happy in so long.

Joining her on tour has turned out to be one of the most incredible experiences of your life, although it has come with a couple of downsides.

One of those was your lack of quality time together.

But to be able to share moments like these, the ups and the downs all feel worth it.

"I could stare into your eyes forever." She whispered as she began to brush her fingers across your cheek. "I just love you so much."

You sent her a sweet smile before gently grabbing her fingers, and wrapping yours around them.

But not to hold them.

Rather to move them closer to your lips.

Brushing her thumb across your lower lip, she watched as your eyes lit up, as if you had some sort of idea pop into your brain.

And you didn't hesitate to act on that idea.

You parted your lips and let your teeth dig into her finger, but not hard enough to cause her any pain.

Rather the opposite.

She smirked at you as you continued to bite her thumb and as she moved her other fingers close to your lips, you took things up a notch.

You began to brush your tongue against her fingers, sucking on them a little as she stared into your eyes.

A couple of curse words left her lips as she basked in the look and the feeling that you sucking on her fingers brought her.

"That's hot." She whispered and smirked when you smiled at her.

"I know." You whispered. "You like it?"

She shook her head before she leaned in and started to kiss your jaw as you continued to suck on her fingers.

"No. I love it." She replied. "It's sexy, baby, and it feels so nice."

"Yeah?" You smirked and bit and sucked on her fingers some more.

"But you know that already, so don't act as if you don't. You know I'd love the way this feels."

You started to softly kiss across her fingers, making her heart flutter as she became soft over how sweet you are.

"You just love to tease me and make me want you more."

You nodded happily and Jennie smiled, already knowing that you wouldn't be too shy to admit that.

"What's gotten into you lately?" She wondered as you looked away from her fingers and into her eyes.

"I just love you and want you to feel as loved and as wonderful as you make me feel."

Something about that answer warmed her heart.

But it wasn't just an intense feeling of love that she felt for you, she also felt a rush of desire and excitement.

How could she not when you were doing what you were doing and you made her feel so wonderful?

"Keep doing that." She said, sexily biting her lip as you continued to brush your tongue across her fingers.

"Whatever mommy wants."

Her eyes sparkled and her lips pulled into another smirk as you continued to drive her wild.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now