you need her after a bad day

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You got into your car and slammed the door shut with a huff. You dropped your head onto the steering wheel and tried to take some deep breaths.

It's been a terrible day. From the moment you walked out the door. There's wasn't one specific reason as to why, more like many different ones piled onto one another.

All day, from the moment you left the house, you've only wanted Jennie. You yearned for her comfort; from her sweet voice and kisses to her warm and comforting embrace.

The stress you felt weighed heavily on your shoulders. You were certain that as soon as you got home to her and walked into her arms that you'd feel better.

But that was gonna be a few minutes from now and feeling a little overwhelmed, you needed to at least get the sound of her voice to make until then.

You reached for your phone and tapped on her name before you pressed your phone to your ear and waited impatiently for her to answer.

You should've known she'd be busy. She didn't answer until the very last ring and when she did, you heard loud voices in the background.

"Y/N? Hey, babe!"

Your voice wasn't as cheerful as hers. Your words seemed to fall from your lips slowly and quietly.

"Jen? Are you home? Please tell me you're home."

"No, baby, I'm at practice still."

You felt your heart sink.

"Are you okay?"

"Not really." You confessed as the lump in your throat grew. "I had a really bad day."

"Oh, baby-"

"I'll be okay, though. I'm just gonna go home and sleep for a while, I think. I hope you have fun in practice and I'll see you soon, okay? Love you and tell the girls I say hi."

You didn't even wait for her to reply before you hung up. You sighed and dropped your forehead against the steering wheel once more. You sniffled as you started to fall apart as everything caught up to you.

But you didn't dare do that when people could see you, recognize you. You only wanted to cry into your girlfriend's arms or your pillow.

So you buckled your seatbelt and drove home. You quickly pulled into the driveway and went up the stairs. You put your key in the door and once you were inside, you leaned against it and hung your head.

Your movements were slow as you shrugged off your jacket and took off your shoes. You slowly made your way up the stairs and when you finally appeared in the safety of your room, you fell into bed and buried your face in your pillow.

You only planned on laying there for a few moments. Maybe you'd close your eyes, but only to catch your breath and let the heavy weight on your shoulders lift.

But you ended up falling asleep and you didn't wake up for about thirty minutes when you felt the blanket be draped up to your shoulders.

You opened your eyes slowly and saw Jennie smile back at you when your eyes met.

"Hey, baby girl." She whispered and climbed into bed with you.

"You're home? I thought you were in practice."

"I was. But my girl needed me and I managed to persuade them in letting me go early." She said and reached over to caress your cheek.

"You're amazing." You mumbled and moved to place your head on her chest.

"No, you're the amazing one. Now tell me about your day. I'm here to listen."

You only shook your head. Before you wanted just that; to vent to her and have her hold onto you as you let it all out. But now you're feeling better just from the comfort of her arms.

"I'm okay, Jennie. I just want you to hold me."

She nodded and started to brush her fingers through your hair.

"I know you're sleepy, so why don't you get a little rest? Then, when you wake up, I'll order us some takeout and we'll watch a show or your favorite movies, maybe take a shower together. Sound okay?"

You nodded and stared up at her with tired eyes before puckering your lips.

She giggled adorably before leaning down to give you a sweet kiss. Her hand held your cheek, her touch soft as she brushed her fingertips along your skin.

"I love you." You whispered softly against her lips. "Thank you for coming home. I just need you."

"I'm right here." She promised. "Just close your eyes and rest. I'll hold you the whole time and I won't let go."

You closed your eyes and started to fall asleep as she hummed softly in your ear and held you tight as you drifted off to sleep, feeling so much better already with her right there by your side.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now