she's sick

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It was unusual for Jennie to be home this early. You know she had a lot going on today, so to see her coming home in only the early evening hours took you by surprise.

You knew something was wrong as soon as you saw her face. She didn't look like herself. She was holding her stomach like it hurt and she looked like she was feeling miserable. You got up from the couch and went straight to her. Laying your hand on her forehead, you felt her feverish skin against your fingertips.

"You're burning up. Are you okay?"

She only shook her head in response.

"Oh, poor baby. Do you need anything?"

"No. I'm just gonna go lay down. No rush for you to come to bed, if you wanna stay down here for a bit that's okay. I just wanna rest." She said and tried to give you a small smile as if she was trying to lay your mind to rest. But you saw right through it. She was unwell.

As she climbed the stairs you quickly turned off the tv and the lights. You made your way upstairs with some water for her to sip on. She was laying in bed with her eyes closed when you reached the bedroom. She had her hand over her stomach and the rise and fall of her chest was a little unsteady.

She opened her eyes when you sat beside her. A groan slipped from her lips and she shivered slightly, so you draped the blanket at her feet up to her shoulders. "Thank you." She whispered and you kissed her forehead before crawling into bed beside her.

"No worries. Get some sleep. If you need me, I'm here." You said and combed your fingers through her hair as she drifted off to sleep.

It was maybe only thirty minutes that went by when she stirred from her spot. You opened your eyes suddenly, surprised that you had actually fallen asleep too. You were a little confused as to what was happening as she disappeared from the bed, but the sound of her gagging made everything click.

You rushed into the bathroom as fast as you could. You rubbed her back and held her hair back for her as she emptied her sore stomach. Every lurch, every cough, every whimper of pain only made your heart ache more.

"It's okay." You whispered to her as she hung her head and caught her breath. "I'm here. You're gonna be alright." You told her, trying your best to comfort her with your encouraging words and soothing touch.

She turned around to face you, head falling to your chest. "I feel terrible."

You nodded slowly. Your heart sank a little and you rubebd her back softly. "I know you do. If you feel a little better we should get you to bed. Let you rest as much as you can."

She waited a moment to see if she felt that sick feeling reoccur. To see if her mouth watered or her stomach bubbled. But there was nothing, much to her relief.

She gave you a nod of her head and you helped her to her feet. You held onto her while she brushed her teeth rather quickly, only wanting to rid her mouth of that terrible taste. She leaned on you as you helped her back to bed and under the covers.

She hummed quietly when you laid your hand against her cheek and then her forehead. "You're still a little warm but not as bad as before. Hopefully it break by morning." You said with a small smile and then crawled into bed next to her.

She closed her eyes as you rubbed her arm. "Love you. Thanks for taking care of me."

"Always, my girl." You said, kissing her warm cheek and watching as she drifted off to sleep. Since she was so tired, it didn't take her long to drift away. "Love you too. Sleep well. Let me know if you need anything tonight. Hope you feel better soon." You said and let your head fall back to your pillow before you drifted off to sleep, too.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now