coaxing you into crying (requested)

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"You're quiet today," Jennie said as she glanced over at you and found you staring at your lap wordlessly instead of watching the movie, your favorite movie, that Jennie turned on to try to cheer you up.

But it was a useless attempt. You were silent and still. You wiggle out of her arms when she tries to hold you and you won't look at her.

She has this sinking feeling that it's only because one eye lock and one lingering touch will make the tears fall, and you've bottled them up for most of the day.

Something set you off. She wasn't sure what it was. She didn't know if something caught your eye on social media or if it was a rough day in your head.

But you weren't acting right and whatever it was that broke your heart was breaking hers now.

She let out a sad sigh and turned off the tv before putting the remote down and moving closer to you. She put her hand on your shoulder and you tried to pull away again, but she pleaded with you to let her hold you.

"Please don't pull away from me." She pleaded and kissed your shoulder softly. "I know you're hurting. You're trying not to let me see it, but I can tell. I'm not sure what's got you so down, but I'm here for you. If you want to talk about it,"

You interrupted her with a shaky sigh, trying your absolute hardest not to let the sob fall from your lips. It wasn't easy, you were close to falling apart, and your girlfriend's soft caresses weren't helping you keep your strong demeanor.

"y/n," she whispered softly and hugged you tight. Her cheek fell to your shoulder as you inhaled shakily, trying so hard to keep everything together. "Talk to me."

You shook your head and started to break.

"Okay. It's okay. You don't have to speak if you're not ready. But I'm here with you. If you need to talk, if you need to cry, I'll hold you tight through every second of it."

Her sweet words and soft voice in your ear, as well as her comforting touch, were too much for you to keep everything inside any longer. The ache in you, the sadness and worry you felt, was too overwhelming and you couldn't hold it in.

The first tear fell, and just as you suspected, more followed right away. It was like the dam broke, that one sob escaping from your lips made more follow.

You could feel the tears streaming down your face and the ache in your heart grow. But you also felt Jennie hold you tight and rub your back with a delicate brush of her hand.

"It's okay. Let it out. I'm right here, I've got you, y/n." She whispered in your ear then laid a few kisses to your neck to bring you even more comfort.

As more tears fell, her grip on you tightened. It was only when you turned around to bury your face in her shirt that she let you go, only for a moment though.

Because as soon as you were crying into her shirt and bunching the fabric up in your fists, she was hugging you again.

You tried to speak but no words came out. Only sobs and heavy breaths could leave your lips.

"Shh," she shushed softly. "You don't have to say a word. You don't have to talk about it. Just cry, just let it all go. I'm here. I'll hold you for as long as you need me to and I won't let go."

You sniffled as some of the ache in your heart faded and replaced with love for your girlfriend. It didn't overpower the sadness you felt, though.

"That's my girl. Let it out."

You cried and cried for minutes until part of her shirt was soaked with your tears and your sobs turned into whimpers.

You pulled away to look at her with red eyes and puffy, tear-stained cheeks. She let go so she could cup your cheeks and catch any more tears that fell with her thumbs.

She kissed your temple lovingly, gazing at you with the softest eyes and the most adoring gaze as you stuttered and tried to speak.

"Hey," she mumbled and caressed your cheek. "As I said, you don't have to say anything. Not until you're ready. Even if it's later or tomorrow or a month from now, I will still be right by your side to listen. But for now, you just lean on me and let any tears in your pretty eyes fall. I'll catch them."

You dropped your forehead against hers and cracked a tearful smile.

"I love you, Jen."

"I love you more, y/n. I love you so much." She said as you laid your head on her chest and let her hold you and rub your back as you basked in the comfortable silence.

A tear fell here and there, but you felt better since you cried it out. You weren't able to find the words to say, but you didn't have to.

Because Jennie was there to hold you and make all of your worries and sadnesses fade away, and she wasn't ever leaving your side.

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