you wake her for cuddles

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Feeling a slight chill rushing down your shoulder blades you instinctively went to snuggle up into Jennie's chest. You expected her to wrap her arms around you. But instead of curling up into her arms, you felt her pillows and the cold sheet.

Your eyes flew open and you had to blink a few times to adjust to the darkness, but you soon started to look around for her. You noticed that the bathroom light was off and the door was still open, which told you she wasn't in there.

You never like to wake up without her by your side, so you started to feel a little nervous. You moved your hand across the bed and, a little frantically, you felt around for her.

"Jennie?" You whispered softly, just as you felt her warm skin against her fingertips. She stirred at your sudden touch and lifted her head from her pillow.

"Y/N?" She mumbled as she rubbed her tired eyes while you just let out a breath of relief. "Are you okay, baby? It's four in the morning. Why are you awake?"

Sleep was suddenly the last thing on her mind. She tried hard to keep her eyes open but it was hard with how heavy they were and how tired she felt. But for you, she was trying.

"I'm sorry. I just got a little worried. I woke up and felt a little cold so I tried to cuddle with you but you weren't there." You explained.

"Oh, hey." She whispered softly and laid her hand on your arm. You fell back onto the mattress and she quickly scooted as close to you as she could. She laid her cheek on her shoulder and put her arm around you to hold you close. She tangled her legs with yours and let her lips brush softly against your arm. "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere, baby." She promised.

"I'm sorry I woke you."

"Don't be." She whispered back to you. "Is there anything you need?"

You chuckled and moved your hand down to brush it through her hair. "No. I've got all I need now that you're cuddling me."

In response, her lips brushed against your arm once more. Soft as a feather. Warm and comforting.

"Sleep, my love. I'll hold you all through the night now. I won't let go, I promise."

You closed your eyes and started to drift off to sleep.

"I love you. Have sweet dreams, my sweet girl." She mumbled, quickly falling back asleep, too.

But her words still caused your heart to flutter and your mind to relax.

You were able to fall back into a peaceful sleep, now that you were cozy and secure in her embrace once more.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now