I have your attention now? (requested)

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Jennie felt her heart flutter in her chest when she walked through the door, only to be met with the sound of your sweet laughter.

Her day wasn't bad; more the opposite. But she could tell it was gonna get even better, as it always does with you.

She bit her lip and kicked off her shoes before making her way over to where you sat on the sofa.

You were laughing but the tv wasn't on, so she knew you had to be watching something on your phone.

Her assumptions were correct when she plopped down beside you and noticed your phone screen was bright, lit up with some random video that you found funny.

She noticed your hair hanging close to your face, so she quickly reached over and tucked a lock of it behind your ear, grinning when she saw your smile.

She hoped it was meant for her, but it was one that grew and turned into a laugh, only because of the video your full attention was on.

She let out a sigh and brushed her fingers along your shoulder. "Baby? I'm home." She whispered, hoping you'd hear and react to her soothing touch or soft voice.

But you didn't turn your head; too entranced in the video.

"Hello?" She giggled, waving her hand in front of your face, only for it to be unsuccessful.

She gathered your hair in her hands and pulled it out of the way so her soft lips could touch your shoulder.

She planted a few soft kisses there then let her lips brush along your neck. Though she found herself loving laying little kisses along your skin, she couldn't help but smile when you cracked a smile.

You pulled out your earbuds, a few words on the tip of your tongue that faded completely when she started to lay kisses on your neck once more.

You let your eyes close and your smile grow while you put your head back against the back of the sofa.

"So..." she started to say and right away, you could practically feel her smirking against your skin. "I have your attention now... right?"

You nodded, lacing your fingers through her hair. She lifted her head, moving her lips close to yours, but not fully touching.

"I tried to talk to you but you didn't seem to hear me." She teased, booping your nose playfully. "Did you have a good day?"

"Yeah." You replied. "But I missed you so I'm happy that you're home now."

She finally pushed her lips onto yours fully, bringing you in for a passionate kiss. One that had her wrapping her arms around your back to try to bring you closer.

She relished in the soft sigh that fell from your lips and onto hers occasionally, as well as the way your hands shook as you placed your fingers on her soft thighs.

"I'm glad to have your attention now," she whispered, trailing her lips to your cheek to continue kissing your skin. "Now I know just what to do if I ever need to get your attention again."

You giggled, looping your arms around her neck happily as your eyes closed. "Happily." You whispered, hoping she'd continue kissing you this way for quite some time.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now