you have a nightmare (requested)

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Beads of sweat rolled down your forehead when you sat up straight in bed. Your heart was racing and you could barely breathe.

The nightmare continued to run through your mind and, in a panicked state, you reached out for Jennie.

"Jennie? Jennie!" You panted and moved your hands around the bed until you felt her warm skin against your fingertips. Anxiously, you tugged at her shirt and shook her shoulder until she opened her eyes.

Sensing the urgency and panic in your voice, she sat up quickly and opened her eyes. Her lips parted, worried words on her lips and ready to fall, only to be forgotten about when you crawled onto her lap and gripped her shirt tightly in your hands.

"Shh. Baby, it's okay. I'm here." She whispered softly and started to run her fingertips along your spine. She could feel your tears falling against her skin and she could hear you panting harshly. She could only tighten her arms around you while she tried to think of what to say.

"I-I had a bad dream." You whimpered.

"What about?"

She knew if you were this frantic, this shaken up, surely it had to be pretty terrible.

"Whatever happened, no matter how terrible it was, you can tell me. It'll probably make you feel a little better."

You sniffled and pulled your face away from her neck to look at her with red, teary eyes.

"Something was chasing me. I tried to outrun it but I couldn't, because I couldn't move. I couldn't scream and it felt like it was closing in on me and I tried to scream but nothing came out every time I tried."

You swallowed thickly and felt your heart pounding faster in your chest just thinking back on it.

Jennie gently cupped your cheeks and you closed your eyes but quickly opened them when she spoke softly, "Baby? Look at me."

You slowly did as she said, just to close them again when she pressed her forehead against yours.

"It was just a dream. Just a horrible, horrible dream. I know it must've scared you, but I'm right here with you and you know I will always keep you safe. Nothings gonna hurt you." She promised as she brushed her fingers through your hair and brushed her thumbs along your cheeks. "I won't let anyone or anything hurt you. You're safe now."

You felt your heartbeat start to slow just as she planted a lingering kiss to your forehead.

"It was so scary."

"I know." She spoke as she rubbed your back. "But it's all over now. It was just a dream. I've got you now."

You reached down for her and laced your fingers with hers. She squeezed your hand twice and sent you a small but sweet smile when you looked back up at her.

"I-I know you had a long day and you must be really tired but... can you stay awake with me? Just for a little while? I just want you to hold me for a bit."

"Of course, baby. I'm not even tired right now." She said before pushing you back onto the bed before lying beside you. She stared at you and combed a few locks of hair behind your ear and ran her thumbs along your cheek.

"Thank you..."

"For what?" She asked, a little confused.

"For staying up with me and for making me feel better. You don't know how much comfort you bring me just by holding me."

She pressed her lips onto yours softly, just barely brushing them against yours, before pulling away.

"Anything for you, my love. You know I'm always here for you."

A kiss to your cheek caused you to breathe out a sigh of relief.

"Feel tired?"

"No. I don't wanna go back to sleep yet."

"That's perfectly fine." She comforted. "You don't have to. I'll stay awake with you for as long as you need me to."

You leaned your head onto her chest and allowed for all of your worries and fears to fade as she held you close and her heartbeat thudded in your ears.

"Can you sing to me?"

"Okay." She whispered and started to hum and sing softly in your ear and although you weren't quite ready to fall back asleep yet, you weren't afraid anymore; because you knew she was right there with you and you'd always be safe with her.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now