I've got you (requested)

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Jennie held your hand in her own as you walked through the doors of the fancy yet cozy restaurant. It's your first official date tonight and she only picked you up twenty minutes ago, but you're already having the time of your life just being with her.

She led you to the table she reserved in the back of the restaurant. There weren't many people around, allowing you some privacy and quietness. You sat across from her and the waitress dropped a menu in front of you.

You tried to push the anxious thoughts in your brain out as you mumbled out a thank you and flipped the menu open. You looked across the pages, reading over all of the options with care.

Jennie chuckled at how focused you seemed to be, reaching over to lay her hand over yours. Your heart instantly began to beat faster, your worried thoughts fading away for that moment. Though it's not the first time she's held your hand, it still makes butterflies appear in your chest.

"I'm so happy we could finally do this tonight. My last few days have been busy and a little stressful, so seeing you tonight is already making me feel better."

You couldn't help the smile tugging at your lips before you said, "Me too."

She was ready to speak again but got cut off as the waitress returned.

"Ready to order?"

Jennie nodded, reading off the food she'd chosen. They both looked over at you, only to see you fidgeting with your fingers and your gaze set on your lap.


You lifted your head upon hearing your name fall from Jennie's lips. Usually, your heart skips a beat when she says it. But your mind was racing, your heart pounding in your chest. Your hand was shaking and Jennie looked worried when she saw it.

"I-I can't..." You whispered quietly. "I can't order. I'm sorry. I should've said something but I," you paused as your breath hitched in your throat, your anxiety beginning to get the best of you.

"Give us a minute?"

The waitress nodded, leaving the two of you alone. You didn't look anywhere but at your lap, though. You were too afraid to meet Jennie's sad and worried stare.

"Hey," she whispered as she got up and took a seat on the booth beside you. "Are you okay?"

You shook your head, biting your lip. But Jennie soon brushed her thumb along your lower lip, making you release it from your teeth. You looked over at her and instantly felt her cup your cheek in her palm.

"It makes me anxious." You confessed. "Ordering makes me nervous. I know it sounds strange but,"

"It doesn't." She interrupted, not even giving you a chance to say the words that were on the tip of your tongue. The ones that you tend to utter every time you go out with new people and try to explain your anxiety to them.

"Y/N, listen to me. I don't think of you any differently than I did before we walked through those doors just because you have anxiety. I understand that these things can be a little scary."


"Really." She assured with a smile, squeezing your shoulder comfortingly. "I like you a lot, y/n. I'm not gonna judge you, not ever."

You moved to kiss her cheek, watching as a big smile appeared on her face. Her eyes were soft when they met yours. Her hand laid over your own and the butterflies appeared in your chest once more.

"Do you want me to order for you?"

"You'd do that for me?"

"Absolutely. If that's what makes you feel better, I'd be happy to do it anytime for you."

You put your head on her shoulder just as the waitress returned.

"What did you have in mind?" Jennie asked, rubbing her hand along your back comfortingly. You opened the menu, pointing to the thing that you really wanted. Jennie turned to the waitress, happily ordering it for you and making sure she got it just the way you wanted it.

When the waitress left, taking the menus with her, Jennie turned to look at you.

"Feeling okay now?" She asked worriedly.

Feeling an undeniable amount of appreciation for her, you didn't really have the words to say to thank her. Thank you didn't feel like enough. And so, you found yourself leaning in, stealing a peck from her lips for the very first time.

"I don't really know what to say, Jen. It means a lot."

She pulled you in for a hug, giggling softly when you pointed out how fast her heart was beating.

"I'm happy to help. Don't ever be afraid to ask me for help when you need it. Okay?"

"Okay." You said, smiling to yourself as you thought about how lucky you were to have Jennie and how crazy you were already feeling for her.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now