new addition

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You quietly closed the front door behind you and looked around for Jennie.

You could hear her humming to herself in the kitchen so you wrapped your jacket a little tighter around yourself and crept toward the stairs. You thought she was still in the kitchen and that you could make it upstairs without her noticing you, so it took you by surprise when you heard her voice from behind you.

"Y/n! You're home, baby! How was your day?"

"Good, good!" The words rushed from your lips when you felt a wiggle coming from inside your jacket. Your eyes widened and Jennie furrowed her eyebrows at the sight.

"Did your jacket just bark?"

You would've tried to come up with an excuse, had it not been for the little puppy poking its head out from your jacket.

Jennie gasped and rushed up the three steps you had made it up before she caught you. You unwrapped your jacket and grabbed the puppy so it wouldn't fall. Its white fur was stained with dirt and mud but they were precious as their little tongue hung out and their tiny tail wagged.

"Where did you find them?" Jennie asked curiously as she looked for a collar or a tag for some kind of identification, some number to call to locate the animal's home or owner to let them know the puppy has been found. But there was nothing.

"On the street. He ran up the driveway to me. No one was yelling for him or chasing after him. He has no leash or collar, nothing."

"Oh, he's so cute!" Jennie squealed as the dog licked her hand. She looked back at you and saw the look of hope swimming in your eyes. "You wanna keep him, don't you? Was that why you were hiding him in your jacket? Not very sneaky, you know?" She teased, laughing when you lightly hit her arm.

"Can we please keep him? He needs a good home, Jennie! Someone to love him and give him lots of food and attention."

"Well, he would definitely get that from us." She smiled and started to pet the dog, little giggles falling from her lips as he sniffed her hand and licked it happily. "Oh, alright, he can stay! Besides, how could I say no to that adorable face?" She cooed and then looked back up at you. "I'm not just talking about the dog!"

You laughed and gave her a kiss. She reciprocated immediately, kissing you back as passionately as you were kissing her.

But your kiss was interrupted suddenly by the puppy in your arms as it began to litter your girlfriend with lots of little kisses. You both laughed before Jennie wrinkled her nose up at the feeling. "Okay, okay! I love you already too. You've got a great home here, buddy! Two people that are gonna love you very much."

Your heart melted as you placed the pup onto the floor and it wagged it's tail and excitedly barked at Jennie. "Come on, let's get you some food!"

The puppy barked again and followed her down the steps and into the kitchen. It was clear that he was already loving Jennie and his new home very much.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now