priorities (requested)

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"You're finally home?" You grumbled when you heard Jennie walk through the door.

The time was after eleven o'clock at night. The sun had gone down hours ago and your anniversary, which Jennie obviously forgot about, was coming to an end.

Your plans had gone completely awry. The dinner reservations you booked two weeks ago were long gone now. You spent the evening alone instead of in her arms, like you so desperately want.

Jennie was unhappy. You could tell by the scoff that fell from her lips and the long, heavy sigh that followed as she kicked off her shoes.

"Yeah. Sorry, I had a busy day."

"Do you even know what today was?"

She shook her head as she shrugged off her jacket.

"Nothing important, I'm sure."

"Our anniversary isn't important to you?"

You thought she'd drop the grumpy attitude she had and she'd feel sad or regretful, promising to make it up to you tomorrow. You didn't expect anything huge. You just need the reminder that you're important to her.

"It's our second anniversary, Jennie! You promised we'd celebrate! Remember? I had to call that restaurant downtown and they were booked for weeks, but managed to squeeze us in because of our special day!"

"What do you want me to say, y/n?!" She asked angrily, raising her voice at you out of frustration for the first time. She's never done it before, only from happiness or playfulness. But there was nothing happy or playful about her today.

"You could say you're sorry! That you didn't mean to forget-"

"Okay, fine! I'm sorry that I have priorities and you're not one of them! There! Happy now?"

Tears stung your eyes but you didn't dare let them fall. You didn't deserve to be treated that way and you weren't gonna let her see you cry when she's the one that messed up so terribly.

"Whatever. I'm going to bed and you're not welcomed there tonight. Sleep on the couch or on the doorstep for all I care."

"Fine!" She yelled as you rushed up the stairs and slammed the door behind you.

Turning the lock, you plopped into bed and let the tears fall. What a way to end your 'special' day. One that obviously wasn't a priority to your girlfriend; like you.

Too frustrated, you called it a night and crawled under the covers to cry yourself to sleep for the first time in your two years together.

Your sleep was terrible. Restless and tearful, you didn't get much sleep. But the sun was shining now and part of you hoped that Jennie would be standing outside the door when you opened it.

You didn't get too disappointed when you saw that she wasn't. You got dressed for the day ahead and thought you'd see her downstairs, instead. You hoped for a better day today.

But you knew this one would be just as awful when you saw the house empty. Her wallet and phone were gone. No note was left behind. Not a word that she was sorry by text.

She was just... gone. Carrying on with her day like nothing happened and you couldn't help but wonder if this would be the end of your relationship.

You swallowed the lump in your throat and blinked away the tears in your eyes to try to carry on with your day, too.

You got into your car, shedding a tear or two as you turned down the street and drove by your favorite cafe for a drink to help cheer you up before you planned to head to your best friend's house, in need of some cheering up.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now