it's fake (requested)

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"Jen?" You called out as you walked into your shared home, looking around for your girlfriend. "I'm home."

You kicked off your shoes by the door, as you always do, and started to look around for her.

"Jennie?" You called out as you looked around the house for her, only to find all of the rooms empty.

You frowned and started to look elsewhere. You opened the backdoor and that's where you found Jennie.

Her back was facing you and she was sitting on the steps, humming quietly as she watched the branches sway with the wind and enjoyed the sun on her shoulders.

"That's why you didn't hear me calling out for you." You joked with her as you sat down beside her on the steps, kissing her cheek lovingly.

That gummy smile you adore was there as she turned to look at you. Her brown eyes sparkled and you knew she was as happy to see you as you were to see her after a long busy day spent at work.

"Hi, my love. I'm happy that you're home." She said before she laid her cheek on your shoulder. "I missed you today."

"I missed you too." You said, laying your head on hers. "Is there any particular reason you're out here?"

"No. Just wanted to enjoy the nice day and get some fresh air."

She lifted her head from your shoulder and looked to her side, reaching for something that you couldn't see.

But you quickly caught a glimpse at what it was that she'd been reaching for. You watched her pull out a lighter before pulling out what looked like a cigarette from her pocket.

"Jennie!" You yelled before grabbing the cigarette from her hand. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I was going to have a smoke." She chuckled. "Why?"

"You can't be serious. Do you know how bad these things are for you? And on top of that, what would happen if people caught you smoking this?"

"It's just one." She said, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear before she tried to take it out of your grip.

"No, don't think about it!" You said as you folded your arms over your chest, gazing at her in disbelief. "I can't believe you, Jennie."


"No, Jennie, I don't want you to smoke this. I don't know why you'd begin to smoke in the first place. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." She said as she put her hand on yours. "Y/N, it's fake."

You furrowed your eyebrows and watched as she pulled the package out of her other pocket, letting you read the label that said 'fake puff cigarettes'.

You sighed in relief and she giggled before tossing the cigarette into the garbage nearby.

"It's a prank, baby!" She giggled, playfully elbowing you. "So? Did I get you?"

"Yes." You rolled your eyes. "You scared me!"

"Finally. Well, you pull stupid pranks on me all the time so it was about time I did it to you."

"Well, you got me." You said and put your head on her shoulder.

"Thank you for asking though."

"Asking what?"

"If I was okay." She smiled as she brushed her lips against your cheek.

"I worry about you, Jen. I know how stressed you get sometimes." You explained and she put her arms around you to hold you tight, feeling her heart melt at your words. "You know I love and care about you so much. I'm always here for you."

"Thank you, baby girl. I love you too." She said as she kissed your forehead. "Now I just have to find some more pranks to pull on you and soon, we'll be even."


She laughed at how shocked you seemed to be.

"Oh, yeah. I'm not done pranking you yet."

You threw your head back against her shoulder with a groan, causing her to laugh loudly before she leaned down and kissed your shoulder softly as she held you a little tighter, refusing to let you go anytime soon.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now