I'm not going anywhere (requested)

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You put your phone down on the cushion beside you before burying your face in your hands.

You've spent the last little while scrolling through your mentions on Twitter, as well as seeing what fans were up to as far as showing your girlfriend lots of love and support.

Usually, you find yourself smiling when you decide that you've had enough social media for a bit. Usually, your mentions are full of support and love.

But today is different.

You're feeling insecure enough already, having questioned if you're deserving of Jennie. She's so wonderful, so sweet, so beautiful on the inside and out.

You question what you could've possibly done so right to deserve her.

But since your relationship has become public now, although you do receive lots of love, you sometimes find the negative things get the best of you.

Today, you found a lot of people pointing out how amazing Jennie would be with certain idols.

They keep picking on your insecurities, some people going to the extent of saying you're just a normal and boring girl while Jennie is out here selling #1 albums with the girls and making videos that accumulate hundreds of millions of views. She performs sold out shows. She has her name in lights. She, deservingly, gets love all around the world.

You, however, are in university and work a normal job with a normal salary. Nothing is outstanding about your job or your university. Nor is there anything outstanding about you, so you feel.

You questioned your worth. You wondered if Jennie would be better with someone else. Someone who knows her struggles as an idol.

Although you're her shoulder to cry on and her ultimate best friend, you don't feel like you fully understand how much she goes through, although you always do your best.

Jennie has always tried to keep you from believing such ridiculous things. But she's not home yet and your mind is wandering. You can't help but feel like they might be right. You're far from perfect.

You're just... normal.

You wondered if you should just head upstairs and pack a bag, maybe go and stay with a friend for a few days while you think a while.

But the door was opening before you even got the chance to get off the sofa. Jennie's cheerful voice made you lift your head and she brushed her lips against your cheek ever so softly.

"Hey, my love. Are you alright? How's your day been?" She asked as she sat down beside you, her hand falling onto your thigh to brush along your skin in circles.

"I'm fine." You said but the tone of your voice told her otherwise.

"No, you're not. Tell me what's on your mind."

You nervously began to fidget with your fingers and she noticed. With a frown, she took your hand, unknowingly making the words on the tip of your tongue so much harder to say.

"I think we should break up."

She stared at you for a second, wondering for a split second if you were pulling some sort of prank on her again.

But she's seen your sad eyes enough times to know when you're genuinely sad or not and she could tell you were.

"What? Why?"

"I just think you deserve someone better, Jen."

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, wondering where on earth this was coming from.

"You hear what some people say. I'm just a normal girl. You're... you. You're Jennie, you're living this amazing life with so many people who look up to you and adore you. I just work a normal job and go to a normal university and live a normal life and-"

"And I love you for that, y/n." She interrupted. "You don't even know how good it feels to be with someone normal. To see and to love somebody who is normal and has no ill intentions and loves me for who I am."

She paused and licked her suddenly dry lips.

"I've been working hard to get where I am for the longest time. People look at me different. They see me as this extraordinary idol who has the world at her feet, who can get anything she ever wants. While that last part is true, I wonder why what I go through is worth it when I'm not surrounded by people that love me for who I really am. Not as the Jennie, but just as Jennie."

Your eyes swam with tears and you saw hers do the same.

"You see me as this normal person. You have from the day we met. You knew who I was but you never treated me like you were needing anything from me. You had no other intentions but to love me - the real me. I know that's how it is now, to this day. Because I can see it in your eyes. I feel it in your heart."

You dropped your forehead against hers, breathing shakily as she held you close.

"And I don't know how I'd ever make it through this crazy life without you. I know, at the end of every good and every bad day, that I have you. I come home to you. I get to love you. I know I have not only the love of my life right here with you, but my best friend, too. So what if you're not an idol? Why does that even matter to some people? You love me for who I am, through thick and thin, and I love you just the same."

"Love you, Jennie." You whispered.

"Then why break up? Because people on the internet are bored and have nothing better to do than bring others down? I won't let that happen. I refuse to let the rest of the world take away the best thing to ever happen to me. Because you're the only one I want to spend the rest of my life with. You're my soulmate. You're all I need. Please don't go."

"I'm not going anywhere." You said and cling to her tightly. "I'm sorry for saying that I thought we should end things but I-"

"You don't need to explain, y/n." She whispered, brushing her thumb along your cheek. "I get it. But know that I love you and nothing in this world matters to me like you do. It's you and me forever, against this crazy world. Okay?"

"Okay." You sniffled and wrapped your pinky around hers. "Love you."

"I love you so much more." She said before bringing you into her lap, where she put her arms around you and refused to let you go.

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