she gets jealous (requested)

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"Are you having fun tonight?" Jennie asked, hugging you from behind as you looked around through the crowds of idols gathered around.

Tonight has been so surreal. Getting to tag along with Jennie to award shows isn't something you get to do every day but they're always such fun and you're having the time of your life tonight.

"Of course I am! It's always fun to witness such important moments for you and the girls. Plus, I'm here with you. How could I not be having fun?" You asked with a sweet smile as you turned around and looped your arms around her neck. "I know I tell you every day but I'm proud of you."

She planted her lips to your forehead, laying a soft and lingering kiss against your skin.

"I never get tired of hearing it, nor do I ever get tired of telling you how much I love you." She spoke, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear before bringing your hand to her lips to lay a kiss to your knuckles.

"Hey, Jennie?"

Your girlfriend turned her head at the sound of Jisoo's voice.

"Sorry to interrupt your sweet moment but there's someone who wants to talk to you real quick."

"Okay." Jennie nodded, quickly kissing your cheek before dropping your hand to follow Jisoo.

Everything seemed to be a little louder and a little more intimidating when Jennie wasn't by your side. Feeling a little nervous all of a sudden, you turned to go grab a drink from the other side of the room. You turned your back but as you did you heard someone call out your name.


It was so loud you almost didn't hear them, but you're glad that you did because when you turned back around IU was standing in front of you.

You couldn't deny that you felt quite starstruck. You've been a fan of her for the longest time and to see her standing there in front of you was like a dream come true!

"I'm so happy I was able to catch up with you! How are you tonight?" She asked, teeth sinking into her red lips as she stared deeply into your eyes.

"I'm good! How are you?"

"Good! Better now that I see you here." She paused, looking you up and down with a smile. "You look beautiful tonight! I mean, you always do, but that color really looks amazing on you."

While your pulse was starting to race from the excitement of meeting IU, Jennie stood across the room watching what was happening.

The conversation she was sharing with a few other idols were going in one ear and out the other. Her jaw was clenched and eyes going dark as she watched IU laugh at each and every word you said while twirling strands of hair around her fingers and tilting her head; an obvious sign that she was flirting with you.

"Excuse me for a moment," Jennie said before quickly walking away from the conversation to rush over to you and IU.

"I like the smell of your perfume!" IU said and began to bat her eyes at you, but she stopped when she heard Jennie clear her throat from behind you and watched as she wrapped her arms around your hips and started to lay little kisses to your exposed shoulder.

"Thanks. It's actually mine that she's wearing." Jennie said and though she was smiling, neither you nor IU missed the way she clenched her jaw. "Isn't my girl just so beautiful?" She grinned as she tickled your sides, causing you to let out a laugh and lay your head back against her shoulder.

"She is," IU agreed and though she was smiling you could tell it was sadder and much more forced than before. She looked a little embarrassed and you understood why. "You're lucky."

Jennie looked at you, brushing her nose against your cheek before looking back at IU. "I know."

It was awkwardly silent for a moment between the three of you. The only chatter came from all the idols surrounding you. Thankfully, they were all so caught up in their own conversations and still on such a high from the excitement and adrenaline running through their veins from the big night that no one seemed to notice the three of you.

IU let out a sigh a few seconds later though and looked at the both of you with apologetic eyes. "I'm so sorry if I crossed any lines. I'll just let you both be. It was nice meeting you, Y/N, and super nice seeing you, Jennie! Congrats on all of your successes."

She walked away, head hanging down for a moment before she started to get brought into other conversations with other idols around.

"Jealous much?" You asked Jennie as you turned around to face her. Arms crossed over your chest, you could see the glint of lust in hers before the look sorta faded and they went soft instead.

"You didn't see the way she was looking at you! And she was totally flirting with you!" She sighed softly, biting the inside of her cheek when she looked you up and down once more. "I guess I can't blame her, though. Because you really do look incredible in this dress..."

She trailed off and ran her fingers along your sides, watching a smirk tug at your lips. "I'm sorry if I got a little carried away. You're just the most beautiful girl in the world and I know I'm the envy of everyone here. I can't help but get jealous when someone looks at you that way."

You looped your arms around her neck and brushed your fingers along her back in circles. "I get it, baby, I do. Just remember that I'm all yours. Okay? You're the one I'm in love with. You're my whole world and I might be a huge fan of IU, but I love you. You make me the happiest girl in the world. You're the only one I have eyes for and, at the end of every day, you're the one I go home to."

She cupped your cheek in her palm and captured your lips with hers for a passionate kiss. She trailed her hands to your hips and gave them a squeeze and hummed against your lips when you sighed softly into the kiss at her touch.

If it weren't for all the people surrounding her, you would've melted right into her kisses and laced your fingers through her hair in hopes that the kisses would never end.

But as much as you both wanted that, Jennie was pulling away quickly, remembering that there were lots of eyes around you both.

"I really am the luckiest girl in the world," Jennie spoke against your lips, leaving a couple of soft pecks on them. "I love you to the moon and back."

"Love you too, baby girl. You have no reason to be jealous. I'm all yours."

She bit her lip when you winked at her and tugged her hand back into your own before pulling her to the other side of the room to go socialize some more.

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