Unexpected Visitor Part 6 (Class 1A x Child Reader)

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A sharp pain shot through your head as conciousness returned. Coldness also soaked through your bones as your wet clothes clung to your sore body. You try sitting up but found your arms and legs were loosely chained to the bedposts. You could still sit up but moving off the bed was impossible.

Tears quickly filled your eyes. You were scared. All you wanted was to be with your dad again. To cuddle with him on the couch and watch your favourite movie. To say sorry. For hurting him and Deku.

"Daddy. Where are you, I'm scared I want to go home." You whimper. Suddenly the door lets of a loud screech as it opens, you curl into a ball as Ivan enters the dark cold room.

"Nice to see you finally awake sweetheart, and here I was worried I killed you with that knock to the head" he smiles wickedly causing you to whimper again.

"Oh come on, I'm not that scary am I." He whispers as he gets right up in your face. Fear paralysed you, his eyes. They were full of hate and resentment.

"Im going to make dear old daddy pay dearly for putting me in jail, and you'll be my bait to lure him in"

Gathering as much confidence as you body would allow you say to Ivan dead in the face.

"My daddy will never be defeated. Not by you, you big bully" a hand harshly connects with your face. The impact hard enough to knock you over as Ivan grabs your face aggressively and pulls you to him.

"Listen here you little brat. I'm the one in control not you. So you better keep your mouth shut. Otherwise sitting in here won't be your only problem. You got that." Ivan throws you back hard on the springy bed before angrily leaving. Your hand goes to your cheek, which was already swelling profusely.

What could you do. What could you possibly do. The room you were in only had one door. No windows, nothing on the walls, just a plain dark and scary room. You wished Momo was here to make a night light, or Shoto, who you would sit next to on the couch and let his left side warm you up. Or even Bakugou, who would scary away anything that frightened you. You wanted your family here. Needed them to calm down the same images that caused your nightmares at night. At the reality that had been made from them.

You lay back down as your stomach made a gurgling noise, realising that you took of before you had eaten dinner.

"Daddy I'm sorry" were the only words you said before crying yourself to sleep.


Aizawa paced around the living room floor with a phone up next to his ear. He was worried sick. He along with the class went to go get you after you ran out of the house. They knew you liked the tree near the end of their block but when going to find you, you werent there.

The pit in Aizawas stomach grew more later that same night when he heard that Ivan had broken out of jail. He knew with every fibre of his being that he had kidnapped you. It was the only way he could think to get back at him. His one of only two weaknesses, his class.

And you. His little girl. His only child.

"According to eyewitness accounts there was a person fitting Ivan's description near some empty skyscrapers that are under construction, but as far as that nothing. He didn't give us much to work with, sorry Eraserhead" the police officer apologised.

"No its fine you did all you could, thank you" no it wasnt fine. It wasn't fine at all. Aizawas head raged in fury.

"Well keep you updated on any new leads" he said before hanging up.

Aizawa couldn't take it anymore, he pocketed his phone before smashing his fist against the wall with enough force to break his skin. He was damn lucky his student were in class right now.

A knock on the door sounded. It opened a second later to reveal Toshinori. He walks through and up to Aizawa.

"How you holding up" he asks. Aizawa shows him his fist

"How do you think I'm holding up" Toshi swears but guides Aizawa over to a table where he gets the first aid kit. Aizawa lets him clean and bandage his hand.

"You know, hurting yourself isn't going to make the situation any better. You need to be 100% when you find her. Injuring yourself will only cause problems." Aizawa sighs heavily

"Im just so worried Toshinori, my only daughter is missing, with the same person who killed my wife and almost did the same to her and my student out there somewhere. Hell he's probably the one who kidnapped her. I cant loose her. I'd never be able to face myself again." A tear slipped from Aizawas eye. A hand grabs his shoulder as Toshinori says.

"If your class has anything to do with it, you'll definitely get her back. You should have seen young Midoyria, Todoroki and Bakugou. They were standing at a table together talking about something, and I presume it was your daughter. I'd have a chat to them if I were you. You know before they go and get themselves killed." Aizawa took a deep breath.

"Thanks Toshinori. I needed that talk"

"Anytime Aizawa" (lol was kinda thinking of ending it there.)


oshinori left Aizawa sitting at the table. It was only after a few minutes did he get up and head off to find his irrational students.


The door opening startled you awake. After realising you were still in that dark cold place tears reappeared in your eyes. The person that walked in wasnt Ivan, instead it was a lady, she wasn't to tall but he was as thin as a branch. She was carrying a tray in her hands. A tray full of food.

Your stomach growled at the sight of it.

"Glad your awake, thought you might be hungry so I brought you something to eat." She said placing the tray on the bed. You st their in silence, it had to have something in it. You didn't trust it. The lady sat down next to you.

"Listen kid. I know you want to go home, I get it, and believe it or not I dont believe in what Ivan is doing. He's so obsessed you and killing your father its getting ridiculous. Look the food isn't laced or anything, even though Ivan wanted me to I didn't. Here I'll even prove it" the lady said before. Taking something small from the plate and eating it.

"There, do you believe me now" you slowly nod your head. She sighs.

"Look, (Y/N) is it, my name is Nikki, I'm Ivan's girlfriend. This is probably my fault. I wasn't able to give Ivan a child so he's gone after you. I know why words don't mean much but I will get you out and back to your family. Here's something in the meantime that might help."

Nikki hands you a blanket. Your cold body immediately shivers at the sight of it. Nikki get up and walks to the door.

"Help will be here soon. I promise" she says as she walks out the door, leaving you in that silence again. What did she mean by that last sentence, you wondered as you eat you food.


Aizawa and his three top students looked at the message on this paper. Was it a hocks, was it even real because if it was it would be a game changer.

"So what do you think Mr Aizawa" the green haired boy asked.

"I think we should barge in there right now and blow those assholes into tiny chunks" the spiky haired blonde replied.

"If we do that we risk them getting awake with (Y/N), we need a plan, what's your opinion sir" Todoroki says to Bakugou and Midoyria before they all took to their teacher.

"We need more people, we'll contact the police and go there with them. Were getting her back, one way or another." He says as they all look to the note on the table

'I know where your daughter is, she's save for now, but you need to head to some abandoned skyscrapers at this address. Hurry I don't know what Ivan has planned for her but its not good. Please hurry and save her. Before it's to late."

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