My Light (Bakugou x Abused Reader)

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My whole world was filled with darkness, pain and fake smiles. Telling everyone I was fine when in reality I was anything but fine. I was scared of coming home everyday. Always thinking what pain is he going to inflict on me today.

My father was an abusive alcoholic who blamed me for my mothers death 3 years ago when we were in a car crash on the way to school. He would never drink, never hit or scream at me. He was the kindest man I knew.

But he changed.

I knew he never coped with my mothers death and turned to alcohol to dull the pain I suppose. But the alcohol was a catalyst for his anger towards me.

I arrived home after a hard day at school to the smell of alcohol that filled the once lavender scented house. The TV blaring loudly was a sure sign my father was home. I quietly try to make my way to my room to avoid any unwanted conflict, but my efforts were in vain.

A strong hand tightens its way around my small wrists painfully as I turn to see the rage filled eyes of my father.

"Where do you think your going bitch" he says angrily. He never called me by my name anymore, it was only hurtful names like bitch or whore.

"N-No where sir" I stutter.

"Was that a stutter I heard bitch" oh no.

"No sir" I say quickly. Hoping the little slip up didn't cost me big time.

"Good, now get in the kitchen and make me something to eat" he says pushing me and making me fall in the direction of the kitchen. I get up quickly and hurry to the kitchen.

"WHERE'S MY FUCKING FOOD YOU BITCH" My father shouts from the lounge room. I rush to the lounge with his sandwich and place it on the table in front of him.

"Here you go sir" I say. He takes a bite before scrowling at me and pegging the plate at me to which it hits my arm I used to shield myself.

"You good for nothing little bitch, you can't even make a fucking sandwich, my wife had the best cooking imaginable and because of you she's gone. You are not our daughter and you never will be you sniveling little slut"

I dont reply as I try to suppress tears, talking back or crying would end bad. It hurt though, he hadn't seen me as his daughter since mother had died, telling me I wasn't and never will be apart of the family. A hand slaps me harshly across the face sending me to the ground.


"Yes sir"  I says moving back as he steps towards me. Knowing what was coming next.

The next hour or so was a blur. Hitting, kicking, screaming, crying. Pain both physical and mental. I lay on the ground until I was certain my father had left for the bar before going up stairs to clean my wounds

He had used a broken bottle again. Cuts and bruises litter my pale skin. I cleaned and bandaged my wounds before going to my bed and crying myself to sleep again.


I arrived at school with little hassle. When I left this morning I found my father passed out on the couch in a drunken stupor, saving me from morning abuse.

I walk into the classroom and take my place at the front of the classroom. Right in front of Bakugou. My crush.

"Hey (Y/N), how are yo- oh my god (Y/N) what happened, your covered in bandages" Mina says, which alerts the others girls.

"What happened"

"Are you ok"

"We should take you to Recovery Girl"

I sigh.

"Guys I'm fine, I was on a run yesterday at the park and I tripped and fell into bushes, I promise I'm alright" the girls looked suspicious but didn't push the matter. As the school day progressed I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched. 

Once the day came to an end I packed my things so I wouldn't be late home and as I was walking down the hall, a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me into an empty corridor. I flinch on instinct only to find the person who grabbed me was Bakugou.

"Uh, hey Bakugou, I wish I could stay and talk but I need to get home" I say about the walk off when his hand grabs my arm again.

"Cut the crap (Y/N), I know you were lying earlier, tell me what happened and who did that to you." He said. I couldn't tell him. It wouldn't end well

"I don't know what your talking about Bakugou, and I was telling the truth earlier." I say as I check the time. Shit I was going to be late.

"Sorry Bakugou I really need to go" I say before running home as fast as I could.


I quietly open my front door to an eerie silence. I let out a sigh of relief knowing my father wasn't home yet. I shut the front door and as I make my way to my room I hear the voice that stops me dead in my tracks.

"And where have you been you little bitch" my father says in a tone that sends fear racing through me.

"T-The teacher need help with something and a-asked me to stay back si-" a hand harshly slaps my face before I could finish the sentence. I stumble back in both shock and fear as my father walks towards me

"The rule is to be back straight after school is finish, AND YOU CAN'T EVEN DO THAT" He screams before punching my stomach, sending me to the floor.

"DO YOU KNOW WHAT COULD HAPPEN IF SOMEONE FOUND OUT ABOUT THIS" He kicked me in the stomach as I cough and I gasp for air. "I COULD GO TO JAIL, THEN WHAT WOULD HAPPEN HUH" Another kick, causing blood to drip from my mouth. He pulls a knife from behind his back.

"Dad w-what are you doing" I stutter in fear. Sliding back to get away.

"Don't you dare call me that. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL ME THAT" he screams swiping the knife at me, I scream and slide away, but not before the knife sliced my arm. I grip my arm as blood seeps out. I get up and make a run for the front door but a foot swipes under mine, causing me to fall hard on the lounge room floor and cry out in pain. I crawl away but he stomps on my back. Tears fill my eyes as the sobbing starts.

Guess I'll bee seeing you soon mother.

The front door slams open, to look to to see Bakugou standing very ridged at the door. My father presses his foot down harder, causing me to whimper.

"Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my house." My father glares.

"YOU BASTARD" Bakugou screams before throwing himself at my father and starts to beat the shit out of him. I go to a corner and curl into a ball and tears flow freely down my face.

After a few minutes Bakugou stands in front of me before taking me into his arms and turn in back to my father.

"No scum like you should have the gift of a child, especially one who is caring in every aspect. You hurt her again and I wont hesitate to kill you" he says before leaving my father in a bloody mess on the floor. He walks out of my house and says to me.

"Your not going back there anymore, we're going to go to Mr Aizawa and the police and tell them everything, you'll be staying with me alright" he says and I bury my face in his chest and say with tears in my eyes.

"Thank you Bakugou". The darkness around me had finally been lifted by the light.

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