Lost Part 3 (Class 1A x Reader)

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Hey guys, sorry it took so long for a new chapter, I haven't had the motivation. But anyway hope you enjoy

Your eyes slowly drag open as a blaring light shone on your face. You attempt to sit up but an intense pain in your stomach had you stop. This when you remember the injuries to yourself. You rest your head back down on a cushioned surface. Turning your head to see it was Bakugou's duffle bag.

Most of the class seemed to be awake with some sitting around a makeshift fire. You decided to attempt to sit back up again but whimpered as the pain became to much. Your whimper caught the attention of your classmates.

'(Y/N) are you alright, are you in a lot of pain, maybe you should lay back down." Uraraka panics. Obviously still high on edge.

"I should be alright Uraraka" you reply.

"We had at least one person watching over you the whole night to make sure you didn't bleed out" Momo says, with a hint of fear in her voice.

"Hey (Y/N) seeing as your awake now do you think you could teleport us home now' Mineta says. Kaminari hits him upside the head and says.

"Dude (Y/N) is in no condition to even stand right now, how do you think she's going be able to use her quirk to get all of us home"

"But she is our only way of getting home" Mineta screams back angrily like a chid.

"That might be so but we cannot rely on our injured classmate to bring us back, we need to use our heads and find another solution and quickly, (Y/N)'s injuries as well as some of our other classmates won't be able to stay the way they are for long" Iida says.


"I could try" you say. Feeling a sense of guilt  that you could be the only way to get your classmates home.

"No (Y/N) you mustn't, your still to injured, any more strain could be dangerous." Izuku says.

"But I have to do something, I can't just lay here and pretend like someone will come because there's a chance it might not. How can I just sit here when there is a way for my friends to get home."

"But straining yourself isn't going to help you in the long run" Todoroki says. You look to your classmates

"I have to try"

The class was silent until you looked up at them.

"I need someone to help me up" Todoroki and Kirishima walked up and each grabbed an arm to support you. Slowly they lifted you up, but not without a few hisses of pain from you.

"(Y/N) the moment it becomes to much for you just say the word and we'll put you back down alright." Kirishima says. You nod before raising your hands in front of you. With all the power you could muster you generated a portal to the one place you knew it was safe.

"Look I can see the common room" Momo says.

"Quickly, everyone get through." You call out, your voice straining with effort.

One by one the members of your classmates  made there way through the portal back to safety. And all seemed to be going well, until a sharp pain spiked in your stomach causing the portal to falter.

"Hurry, I don't know how much longer I can keep this up." You say, the pain starting to intensify. Iida hops through and looks back and say.

"Quickly, you guys can make it." But before Uraraka could even move you coughed up blood as you collapse into Todoroki's side. This lack in concentration forced the portal to start closing.  The people on the other side including the sound of your teacher's voice echoed through the closing portal in worry as it finally closed leaving you, Uraraka, Momo, Todoroki, Kirishima, Bakugou and Izuku on the other side.

"It closed" Izuku says quietly.

"NOW WHAT ARE WE MEANT TO DO" Bakugou screams. Everyone turns to you. But before you could speak you coughed up more blood before feeling sticky feeling on you shirt. You put your hand on it and look to see it stained red with blood.

"Oh my God (Y/N) your bleeding" Uraraka cried out as everyone looks at your red hand.

"Her stitches must have reopened, quickly we need to redo them before she bleeds out" Momo says as your consciousness starts to fade. The last thing you remember was being lifted into someone's arm before passing out once more.


Back at the dorms.

"So your all telling me that the plane crashed and without even waiting to see if help would come you pressured your severely injured classmate to open a portal back to safety. Am I mistaken." Aizawa says quietly to his remaining class.

"With all due respect sir it was (Y/N)'s idea." Kaminari says.

"Well judging by all the guilty faces in the room no one tried to stop her either. Or am I wrong about that to." Aizawas voice turns to anger. The class goes silent. Aizawa sighs

"Before a search can begin I need as much information from everyone as they can about what happened."


In your state of unconsciousness you could hear distant voices talking.

"Will she be alright Momo" a female voice says.

"I don't know, all we can do is try out best and hope she makes it until help arrives."

"I knew making her do this was a bad idea, now look at her"

"Its not your fault Kirishima, we all wanted to go home so badly we forgot about the consequences." The green hair boy says.

"All we can do is hope she survives" Bakugou says.

"Let's pray she does" Todoroki replies.

The voices started to fade again once more as your weak body throws you back into a state of unconsciousness.

"Is this it"  you thought "is this the end of me"

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