Stay Away From Her (Todoroki x Bullied Reader)

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I can't believe this has gotten over 200 reads. It might not seem much but it means a lot, thanks guys for taking the time to read it. Anyway let's get on with it.

I walk quickly down the halls to reach my classroom. Trying to avoid the group that made my school life a living hell. Sweat trickled down the back of my neck as I nervously looked around. Just when I thought I was safe a hand grabbed the back of my shirt and threw me into the wall.

"Looks like there's a pest loose in the halls" the ring leader says, his black hair and brown eyes making his appearance menacing. Everyday this group of boys would bully me because of my quirk. Many would think that a mind control quirk was villainous, and I was determined to change that.

"What do you want Daichi." I ask every single day.

"What I want is for you to get out of this school, it's too high class for someone with a villainous quirk to be at. It's a school for heroes, not for scum like you." He sneers. Stepping forward with his group surrounding me.

"I don't want to cause any trouble. I just want to get to class." I say quietly, looking around at the other students staring at us for help. I could use my quirk but it would only cause more drama.

"I don't believe you villain, why don't you just turn yourself in" he says harshly before grabbing my collar and slamming me backing into wall as my head had a sickening thud. He pulls me toward him and I whimper in fear.  Just leave me alone.

He shoves me to the side, he and his friends laugh as I fall to the ground. I quickly get back up to try and redeem some dignity before saying.

"The only person acting like a villain is you Daichi." Rage instantly fills his eyes, his fists balled together and before I knew it a fist came into contact with my face. Sending me to the ground again as I cup my now swollen cheek.

"Who do you think you are you snivelling bitch, I'm not the one with the evil quirk am I. I though you had learned your lesson from last time, but apparently not. Guess I'll have to re-teach you again." His friends grab my arms and holster me up, I struggle against them but their strength excels mine. A kick to the stomach takes all the air from my lungs. I make a small whimper.

"See your weak and pathetic, just like always". Daichi goes to hit me again, and close my eyes and wait for the painful impact.

It doesn't come.

Gasps of shock have me opening my eyes to the sight of Daichi encased in ice. His friends let go of me and I fall to my knees. I sigh, knowing that my bully had probably just pissed off the scariest person in the school. I close my eyes and listen to the name of my childhood friend ring through the Hall.

"Oh my god, isn't that Todoroki, from the hero course."

"Yea, what is he doing here."

"He looks pissed"

"It's kinda scary"

"Are you alright" I open my eyes to see the brown and blue eyes of my best friend kneeling in front of me. I nod, seeing the concern in his eyes.

"Hey listen here you bastard, when I get out-" Daichi stopped when Shoto stood up, and gave him the scariest glare I have ever seen.

"You make me sick, your at UA to become a hero and help people, not to bully and harass them."

"Why do you care about some no body" Shoto's fists tighten.

"It becomes my concern when your bullying my best friend because of something she can't help or control, if I ever see you touch or speak to her again, it won't be my ice you come in contact with next time" Shoto says coldly as his left side ignites with fire.

Daichi is quick to nod in response. Shoto turns back to me and helps me off the floor, grabbing my bag before we walk away. The hallway was silent as we walked.

"why didn't you tell me about this" he says after a few minutes of quiet.

"Well you've been busy with hero work and I-"

"THAT'S NOT AN EXCUSE" he shouts, leaving me shocked and speechless.
"How can I call myself a hero if I can't even protect my best friend from bullies" I stay silent. I hear Shoto sigh.

"Promise me that if you are bullied again you'll come to me" he says. I smile before I hug him.


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