Tamaki x Figity Reader

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Hey guys, I finally posted a chapter. Thank you to everyone who sent through ideas and asked if I was ok. I had another tough week but I kept your guys words in my head to be strong so thank you all. Now please enjoy this chapter

You were rapidly tapping your finger on the desk trying to find some way of calming down. Your heart rate and breathing were rapidly increasing out of your control as your focus on class diminished. Looking out the window seeing the many different classes training and using their quirk. Looking like they had no care in the world.

You envied people for it. Hated how people could be so care free while you were stuck being constantly anxious and nervous all the time, sick of the constant attacks and pain. Some days you couldn't take it.

Something touched your arm and you look down at your elbow to see a small vine wrapped around you. Looking behind you see Tamaki with a concerned look on his face silently asking if you were ok.

His presence helped you to calm down. Taking a few shakie breathes your heart rate began to decrease as you to finally focus back on class.

When class ended you headed up to your quiet safe space. The roof. It was away from people and caused you no disruptions. Most days you came up here to calm down your anxiety.

Situating yourself in the shade you pull out a small bag you carry your figdit toys in. While they seem childish to most it helped take your mind away from some situations and gave you something to do instead of clawing at yourself when you get out of control.

The door to the roof gently opens and low and behold Tamaki walks out looking almost anxious himself. He quietly sits next to you and pulls you into his side. You sit in silence for a while before he speaks.

"How are you feeling" you were silent for a moment before answering.

"Doing better, I just hate that I always feel like this" you whisper back quietly. Fidgeting with the item in your hands as they begin shaking. You feel Tamaki's hands envelope your own.

"Take a deep breath. It's alright, your safe. We don't have to talk about it any more if you don't want to" he comforts back. Leaning onto his you inhale is scent. He was here. He wasn't leaving either.

Tamaki knew how bad your anxiety could get. How personal touch could help bring you back after an attack and that it would take a while to recover afterwards. For this he would always try and prevent it from happening before it could come to that.

The bell rang signalling the next class. Tamaki gently look your hand, pulling you up as he helped gather your things.

"Did you want to go to Recovery girl for a bit or do you thing you'll be alright" he asks gently.

"I should be alright. Thanks again Tamaki"

"Anytime love. Now let's head to class."


The rest of the day really consisted of classes and a bit of hero training. Tamaki stayed close to you encase an attack happened and lucky it didn't.

You were sitting in your room after dinner finish off your homework. You were sure why but your anxiety started rising again as you began tapping your finger against the desk.

'Calm. Stay calm. Everything is alright. Its alright"

You tried to remind yourself you were ok but nothing helped. Tears stared running down your face as you shot out of your room. Getting weird stared from some of the girls on the dorm.

You were pretty much on the verg of an attack when your reached Tamakis room. Knocking rapidly to be let in. Tamaki threw the door open to see your tear strained face and immediately pulled you into his arms and in his room.

"Hey, hey its ok its ok. I'm here. I'm here" he whispers into your ear as he pulls you over to lay you both on the bed. You cry into his chest. Unable to control yourself.

"(Y/N), I need you to take a deep breath for me. Can you do that. Breath with me" Tamaki says as he breathes in. You copy with a shaky one. You both repeat for a while before your had calmed down.

"Theres my girl back. Are you alright" he asks. All you could manage back as a nod. He pulls you tighter into him.

"You can stay here for tonight. I won't mind. I'll keep you safe" Tamaki whispers and that's all you need to here before drifting off into an exhausted sleep.

I really hoped you guys liked it. Imma try and post more often. Also if your a fnaf fan go check out my fnaf book.

Bye guys see you in the next chapter

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