Nightmares (Todoroki x Reader)

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All I could think about was that night in the forest. The gas, the fires. The villains. Pain, screaming. I couldn't get it out of my head. I was in hospital because of my injuries and came out the same day as jirou. But even since then I couldn't sleep without nightmares.

I didn't tell my boyfriend. He had enough problems going on. Moving into the dorms was a big step as well that had everyone busy. So that was another reason to not tell him. But the biggest reason why I didn't want to tell him was because of something I didn't even want to think about.

The nightmares mainly was Shoto dying trying to save me.

I couldn't live with the fact that went could've died that night. The thought terrified me to the core. I dreaded sleep because of it. The first night of everyone moving in involved a room contest but I wanted no part in it so I told everyone I was going to bed.

My room was on the 5th floor. The same as Momo, Asui and Shoto and I felt a little safer knowing he was on the fifth floor but...

No stop thinking like that. Everyone is fine, no one died.

I got changed and laid in bed waiting for a peaceful sleep. During that waiting voices sounded in the corridor. Which were probably my classmates with the room contest. Someone knocked on my door but I ignored it. All I wanted as a peaceful sleep.

Soon enough exhaustion took ahold of me. Dragging me into sleep.


The smell of burning was everywhere. The forest a dull glow of blue as it burned. My body ached with pain as I lay on the ground in front of the villains. Scared beyond imagine. They smirked evilly as they get ready to make the final strike.

I heard my name being called and I see Shoto racing towards me. I scream for him to stop but nothing comes out. He jumps in front of me, only to be killed by the villain. I couldn't move, I was stuck.

Tears flow down my face as I look at his limp body in the ground, the blood on the floor. It was my turn next. The villain raised his hand and-

I jump up in bed, shaking with tears unconditionally flowing down my face. Sobs racked my breathing as I struggle to breathe properly. This one was the worse. I needed someone.

I needed Shoto.

Slowly I get out of bed and make my way to his dorm. Not caring if I get caught, I needed him to hold me in his arms. To know he's ok and safe.

I reach his dorm and knock on the door. After a few minutes I knock again as tears continue to stream. I knew he was probably asleep because of how late it was but I needed to see him.

The door slowly opened to reveal a sleepy looking Shoto, his hair a mess with sleep. His eyes gaze upon me and widen at my appearance.

"(Y/N) my love what's wrong." He says before I dive into his chest, clenching the back of his shirt with my life. His arms immediately wrap around me. Drawing me into his warmth.

We stand there for a bit while I sob into his chest before he leads me into his room and lays us on the bed.

"My love, tell me what's wrong" he asks gently.

"I-Ive been h-having nightmares since the camp, t-they wont go away and I can't sleep." I reply sobbing

"Tell me about them, if you can" I was silent for a bit before I answered

"We were both killed by villains" I whisper. Shoto didn't reply he just took me into his arms and cuddled with me.

"I'll protect you, no matter the cost. For now rest my love. You need it"

I snuggled into him as sleep dragged me back once more. But this time the nightmares stayed away.

Another chapter done. Hope you guys like it see you all in the next chapter

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