It's A Date Then (Tamaki x First Year Reader)

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This is a request from FuarikaOfSarcasm hope you enjoy it

You really enjoyed UA. Mosts of your classmates were amazing to say the least and the school itself always had its surprises. Even though your class always seemed to be targeted for some reason you thought your first year was going well.

During that time, a third year student had caught your attention. Your heart thumped in your chest thinking about him.

Tamaki Amajiki.

The name itself sent a blush to your cheeks. The shy timid guy who was striving to be a hero dispite all the challenges he faced. He looked pretty strong during the Sports Festival but his shyness took over.

You doubted he would notice a random first year like you. He probably liked someone prettier anyways.


"Oh come on (Y/N), you've got to do something, you cant just let your feelings go to waste. You never know he might like you back" Uraraka comforts, patting your back with the rest of the girls.

"Yes, I agree with Uraraka, you've definitely got a chance (Y/N) don't lose hope" Momo replys.

"I dont know guys, Tamaki is a third year, I'm only a first year." You say, still not convinced.

"Who cares about age, love is love (Y/N) and no one and change that" Ashido puts in. This little moto boosts your confidence slightly.

"Are you going to confess to him (Y/N), ribbit" Asui asks.

"I will, it just has to be at the right moment that's all"


You walked through the halls of school on your way to class, the girls were talking but you were to deep in though to listen. This lack of attention caused you to slam into a solid object and fall backward on the floor.

"(Y/N) are you alright" the girls ask.

"A-A-Are you o-o-ok" a stuttering voice says and you freeze at the familiar voice. You look up to see Tamaki, slightly shying away with embarrassment. A slight blush forms. You had just bumped into your crush.

"I-Im fine, thanks for asking" you reply to your crush shyly.

"Woah, Tamaki you need to be more careful man, that could if ended way worse" Mirio says, patting Tamaki's shoulder.

"Sorry" Tamaki says before hiding his face from view.

"Don't mind my friend, he gets really shy. We better get going the bell is going to go soon and we don't want to be late. Bye" Mirio says before leaving with Tamaki in tow.

"You look like a tomato (Y/N), almost like my twin" ashido says giggling at your red face.

"ASHIDO" you say hiding your face.

You couldn't get that moment out of your head after that, even after 3 weeks it still was fresh in your head.

You were walking home late one afternoon from Uraraka's house after a study session which you needed. She offered to stay the night but you declined,as you had stuff at home to do as well.

The streets were a buzz with life and there was a slight moment of peace. Of course place can me changed in the blink of an eye.

A loud explosion from one of the neighboring buildings caused panic in the street as a villain started reeking havoc. You stood in shock for a few moments before your muscles kicked into action. You ran.

You were pretty fast, but not fast enough, the villain caught up to you and grabbed you. You screamed.

"Let me go" you say.

"Why would I do that, I need a shield for the hero's to leave me alone. You'll do perfectly. " they say before walking  away

"Stop, put me down. Help"

"Put her down now" a familiar voice says. The villain turns around and you gasp in shock at Tamaki standing in front of you next to the Pro Hero Fat Gum.

"Tamaki! Help me" you yell as you struggle to get out of the villains grip.

"Don't worry (Y/N) I'll save you" he says.

"Let the civilian go" Fat Gum says.

"And why would I do such a thing" the villain replys.

"Because if you don't we'll beat you to get her back" Tamaki yells

"Tamaki!" Fat Gum exclaims. Obviously surprised at his different personality.

"Well well well, getting a little cocky aren't we little hero, if you want her so bad come and get her".

A battle erupts and it wasn't long before Tamaki long with the help of Fat Gum defeated the villain and you were put into the safety of his arms.

"(Y/N) I was so worried, are you alright, are you injured at all." He asks. Shyness completely gone for the moment.

"I'm fine thanks to you, listen Tamaki I need to say this. I've liked you for a while and I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime"

"Of course I would (Y/N), because I like you to, I've just been to shy to say it" Tamaki replys. You smile before kissing his cheek.

"It's a date then"

I hoped you enjoyed that chapter. Need chapters out soon so stay tuned and I'll you all in the next chapter 

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