Not Just A Run Unfortunately (Izuku x Reader)

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Its been a while since we've had a Deku chapter so here you go my Deku fans. Enjoy.

It was Saturday morning at UA and everyone was doing what they normal would. Some of your classmates were making breakfast. Others were sitting on the couches with their phones

You were just finishing a chapter in the book you were currently reading before you went and did some training. You placed the bookmark in and closed the book as you lay it on the table in the common room.

You get up and the girls notice you leaving.

"Where are you going (Y/N)." Tsu asks.

"Oh, I'm going to do some training for a bit then I'll be back. Do you girls wanna come to my room after"

"Of course, text us when your finished, well see you later" you smile before walking out of the dorm to start your running exercise.

As you run down past all the other dormitories you couldn't help but wonder. All of this happened because of your class being attacked by the league. Did they still hate you

Shaking those thoughts out of you head you continued on your run, opting the path with the quiet forest. The sun lay out a nice gentle light, with the breeze being calm and relaxing. Pretty much giving you the perfect weather to get a morning run in.

Your run slowly turned into a walk as you try and catch your breath. You stop for a minute and listen to the sounds around you. The rustling of leaves, birds chirping. The distance sounds coming from the town below. And .   .   . Talking. Sounding like someone familiar.

"Gee I never thought about it like that before. Thanks All Might."

'All Might huh. I wonder if that's. . .'

You walk closer and sure enough there was Izuku talking to All Might. He must be helping Izuku train. Deciding not to intrude on something that was obvious private you start back on with your run.

However that didn't go to plan as still being distracted and looking at the pair means you didn't see the tree directly in front of you. This also meant you ran into it full force, crushing with it both your face and your pride.

You hit the tree and the ground both with a horribly loud thud. Meaning your sneaky attempt to leave the pair in peace was foiled.

"What was that" All Might says

"I dont know. I'm going to check it out." Izuku says before you heard him heading in your direction.

You sit up, rubbing you sore forehead and waiting for the inevitable. You felt something drip on your leg and as you check your nose sure enough blood was pissing out of it. Great.

"Um, (Y/N)" you turn seeing Izuku emerge from the bushes.

"Uhh, hey Izuku. How's it going" you say shyly hiding your bleeding nose with your hand. It was embarrassing enough that you ran into a tree, didn't want to make it worse by showing your bloody face.

"Why are you on the ground. Are you alright"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine done worry about me. I'm perfectly fine." You stutter, trying to get up off the ground but that proved to be more difficult as your vision started swaying. Seems like you hit your head harder than you first thought. It got even worse when the blood started seeping past your fingers.

"Oh my God, is that blood, (Y/N) are you ok" here we go, Izuku was now in panic mode. He kneels down next to you and moves your hand away revealing your blood covered face and hand. Definitely not an attractive look. You sigh. May as well tell him the truth now.

"I was running and I didn't see the tree in front of me. And I, kinda ran into it. Its not that big of a deal, I'm fine I promise."

"Judging by the way you were swaying just now and the flow of blood coming out of your nose I think its worse than what you think. Here" All Might says as he comes out from behind Izuku and hands you a handkerchief. You look at him in shock.

"Are you sure sir, its going to get blood all over it. It might stain" All Might stops you with a raise of his hand.

"Its no trouble, honestly. Young Midoyria I think it would be wise to bring (Y/N) back to the dorms so you can tend to her injuries. We'll finish our conversation later"

"Right, see you then All Might"

"Thanks All Might" you say and he waves back in response.

You both started walking back as you hold a bloodied handkerchief up to your face. You blink away any cloudy vision you get and tried to mentally prepare for all the hassle your going to get off the girls later.

"Are you sure your alright, your swaying quite a bit" Izuku asks.

"Yeah I'll fine. A bit of panadol and rest should fix it. Although I'm sorry for interrupting whatever you and All Might are doing. You were probably really busy" you apologise.

"Its alright, promise. We were just finishing up. He was helping me train, nothing to special"

You nod in response as you enter the dorms. Eyes immediately turned in your direction.

"Gees (Y/N) what did you do, go up again Togeta, your a bloodied mess" Kaminari says. You sigh at his stupid idea.

"If you must know, you human phone charger, no I didn't verse Togeta, I ran into a tree while running, so go on. Laugh. But just remember, karma will come back and bite you in the ass" you smirk back. Letting Izuku guide you over to the first aid kit.

He took the handkerchief off you and luckily the bleeding had stopped. Izuku took out a wipe and cleaned the blood from your face. Once that was done he grabbed an icepack and handed it to you.

"Keep that on your face for a bit, your started to get a bruise" he says. You take the icepack from him gently before standing up.

"Thanks Izuku, for helping me"

"Anytime" he says back before walking over to Iida. Now all you had to do was explain to the girls what the hell just happened.

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