Lost Part 6 (Class 1A x Reader)

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Hey everyone sorry for no posting a chapter, life has been super crazy and I haven't had much chance to sit down to write. I would like to shout out Panda_Slayer834 for helping me out with some ideas for what's about to happen in the next and possibly final chapter to the lost series. Anyway hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

The blinding sun was the thing that woke you up the next morning as well as you stomach growling hungrily. The camp had already risen for the day with some building shelter from the elements to other off finding food and water. Who know how long we were going to be here for.

"Oh, good morning (Y/N), how are you feeling". Momo asks.

"I feel abit drowsy but nothing other than that."

"Well that's to be expected, hows your stomach and leg holding up."

To be honest the pain in both had calmed down. That being said you knew that moving your leg would cause pain again seeing as how it wasnt fixed yet.

"There both fine for now. Its probably because I just haven't moved"

"Well as long as your not in any pain that's ok" Momo replied but your conversation was interrupted when by Bakugou walking over with a bowl in his hand.

"Here I got you breakfast" he says casually as he places the bowl next to you.

"Thanks Bakugou" you say as he helps you to sit up before using his bag as a support.

You look at the bowl to see a bunch of berries inside.

"Are these safe to eat" you ask.

"Of course they are. I wouldn't be giving them to you if they werent" Bakugou replies back with a bit of aggression to his voice.

"Good point" you say and begin eating. Once your bowl was finished Bakugou handed you some water to which you swiftly drank. But this then led to a realisation as the water sent alarm bells to your very full bladder. When was the last time you peed, definitely well over 24 hours ago. I mean you weren't surprised, you spent most of that time unconscious.

You look around and try to locate the girls but couldn't see them anywhere. That was bad. You shifted slightly in you seat to which Bakugou noticed immediately.

"Why are you moving, does anything hurt." He asks in concern.

"No but can you get the girls for me please, I need to talk to them quickly."

"They've gone to the plane to search for more resources, why what do you need them for when I'm right in front of you." He asked. You were not having that conversation with him.

"Can you just please get them Bakugou, its urgent" it was getting urgent alright you couldn't stop your shifting at this point. But this somehow made Bakugou understand what you needed the girls for and his face flushed bright red.

"Fine whatever" Bakugou said nothing else as he stormed off the fine the girls.

After a few minutes the girls came over

"What's wrong (Y/N), Bakugou said you needed us for something" Uraraka asks.

"I need the bathroom super bad and I didn't want anyone else to help me"  the girls were quick to spring into action carefully picking you up and walking you over to forest so you could relieve yourself in privacy

"Thanks guys I appreciate it"

"No probably. Anything for a fellow girl in need" Uraraka says as you all walk back to the camp site.


Another full couple of days went by and nothing extraordinary happened. Although momo had come up with a plan late at night on the 6th days stranded.

"Do you really think that will work Momo." Kirishima asked

"Well the probability of it reaching a signal site it about 50/50, but if it does our likelihood of getting help will be about 85/90 percent which is still really good odds."

"So your telling me that if this drone makes it well get help" Bakugou says.

"Yes" Although it had taken lots of momos lipids to construct it but it was some at least.

The conversation continued between the group but you werent really paying attention. You were more focused on the fact your face felt so hot, and your lack of conversation struck a warning light with the ash blonde.

"Hey (Y/N), you alright." He asks

"Yeah I'm fine" you reply back quickly. But Bakugou noticed certain features. The glassy eyes. Sweat at the top of your head, your flushed face. He knew you weren't alright. He approaches you and feels your head. His cold hand a blessing for your overheated head. He swears under his breath.

"Is everything alright Bakugou" Todoroki asks. And without any warning Bakugou lifted up your shirt to reveal your infected stomach wound. You gasp in shock at his actions but his growled of anger was more concerning.

"When the fuck was the last time her wound was cleaned" he savagely said. The whole group sat in silence. No one could remember.

"Thats what I thought, did any of you notice that (Y/N) is running a dangerous high fever. Or were you all to busy playing house to realise her stomach if covered in dry blood and puss. Did any of you idiots even bother to CHECK" He screamed.

"Kaccan were so" Izuku starts

"Save it you damn nerd. How about instead if wallowing in your pity you all get off your asses and help clean her wound and get her fever back down before she dies before seeing a hospital.

"We though she would tell us" Uraraka says as the group gets up.

"And how the hell is she meant to sit up and check huh. We should have cleaned it everyday whether it was fine or not."

Momo crafted the various items needed like a bucket and cloths before gathering water from the beach nearby.

"Oi, icy hot. Get me some ice to use to cool her face down." Bakugou asks as Todoroki makes a small ice pile next to you.

"Yaoyorozu, send that drone off. We can't stay on this island any longer and (Y/N) needs to get home to a hospital." Bakugou says.

The drone was sent off while your friends cleaned your wound. Pouring salt water over it while cleaning the puss off at the same time. You screamed the whole time of course. But Bakugou was there. Your head in his lap with a cloth draped over your sweltering head while he held your head and brushed away your tears.

It took about an hour before your wound looked any better. A verbal sigh of relief was heard amongst the teens.

"Well its looking way better than what is was" Izuku says.

"Yea. All we have to do is wait until the drone gets help."

All seemed to be doing fine until the ground started shaking violently. Screams were heard amongst the group as an earthquake struck the island. Bakugou shielding you with his body against anything that might fall. After a couple of minutes it stopped.

"That was an earthquake wasnt it." Uraraka asks concerned

"Do you think it will come back" Kirishima

"Who knows, but we better be ready when it does" Izuku says. But what the group didn't know was there was a greater danger heading their way.

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