Happy Endings (Izuku x Bakugou's Ex Partner Reader)

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This is requested by black7thorn. Hope you enjoy it.

"Why do you always do this Katsuki, I'm two minutes late and you act like I've just killed someone" you scream at your boyfriend, who was as usual in a horrible mood because you had been late from hanging out with your friends.

"Well sorry I was worried for my fucking girlfriend, who was to much of a dumbass to even worry about me." This made my blood boil.

"Excuse me, I'm not the one screaming and attacking everyone whenever I dont get my way." He glared at me.

"Take that back you bitch. Right now"


Everything after that was a blur. Katsuki and I fought for hours and in the end we broke up. To be honest I was expecting it. We hadn't been getting along for a while and I knew that sooner or later something would have snapped.

After that Katsuki didn't like me much at all. He would glare at me in class, shove me in the hallways as well as talking about me behind my back. I would just ignore it and say to myself it's just his way of coping.

Boy was I wrong.

Everything went down hill from there. Katsuki started bullying me not just verbal but physical as well. And I mean physical. He would grab my arms and set off tiny explosions which left me with burns on my arms.

It had me concerned because I knew he had a soft side. Which at the moment was currently overcome by rage.

"You sniveling bitch. Look at me once more and I'll make sure your life is a living hell. Got that" Katsuki screamed  at my face.

You already make my life living hell.

"What did you say just say you bitch"

Oops, said that out loud didn't I.

Instantly I'm on the ground, winded from being knocked over on my back. Katsuki's deadly glare staring me down like prey.

"Say that to my face you bitch." He says deadily. I shake my head no

"Didn't fucking think so" he said before kicking me and walking off. Leaving me coughing on the ground alone.

That was until Izuku came. He was the only person in the school to still treat me the same. Everyone else just followed the rumors Katsuki made.

"Are you alright (Y/N). I know Kaccan can be violent, just don't let him get you down ok." The green hairded boys says.

"Thanks Izuku" I say blushing. To be honest. I've always had a crush on the boy. It's just it liked Katsuki more.

Over the next few weeks my crush delevloped big time for the hero loving nerd. Unfortunately the bullying increased as well.

I somehow managed to piss Katsuki off big time. I dont know what I did but it got me in the position where I was on the floor and Katsuki was kicking and burning me.

"Take that you slut, thats what you get for leaving me and liking another guy, now tell me who it is" he screamed

Oh so that's what this was about. But how did he know I liked someone.

A particularly nasty blow to the stomach had me cry out in pain.

"Kaccan stop" a familiar voice cries

"Stay out of this deku it's none of your business you damn nerd"

"It is when it involves the person I love" I paused still at his words. Wtf. Katskui did not look happy.

"So your in love with damn deku. I shouldn't be surprised. Your both worthless." Katsuki says before kicking once more and walking off. Izuku races over and helps me up

"Are you alright" he asks

"I am now that your here. Your my hero" I say before kissing his cheek.

"Thank you Izuku and I love you to"

Katsuki left you alone after that and you started dating Izuku. Definitely a happy ending

I know, pretty shit. I just got back from work and I wanted to get some requests done for you guys. New chapter out soon guys so I'll see you all soon.

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