You're mine (Overprotective Bakugou x Reader)

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This is a request from SimpleIsBeautiful13. Trigger warning.

To say that your boyfriend was overprotective was probably the understatement of the century. If another male even dared thinking about you, said male would cease to exist a matter of moments after thinking about you.

You didn't blame Bakugou though. After you were almost kidnapped while walking home from school one time. He swore after that day to never let you out of his sight.

Remembering back to that moment you were surprised that your hotheaded boyfriend hadn't of killed the man after he had seen the man hit you before almost throwing you in the van.

You sighed as you were walking to the bathroom during lunch. After convincing your boyfriend after 10 minutes of arguing that you would be fine walking there by yourself. You loved him to death but sometimes the overprotectiveness went to far.

For example in training the other day Midoriya was helping you perfect a move when Katsuki came over and almost killed the poor kid. Aizawa wasn't to pleased and put him on detention.

As you got to the bathroom as sense of unease filled your stomach. But figuring that you were safe at school you chose to ignore it. You walked in, did your business and as you were washing your hands another sense of unease. This time you chose to feel a bit scared. Why were you feeling like this in school.

As you were about to pass the last stall on your way to the door. It suddenly opens to reveal the new kid who was transfered about a week or so ago into class B. He was really bulky and tall for someone your age so to say you were intimidated was an understatement.

"Umm..... Hey, do you realize your in the girls bathroom right. The boys is down the Hall." You say rather confused as to why he was in here in the first place.

"Your even more beautiful up close. Without your bodyguard boyfriend around." He said. You were starting to get freaked out. What the hell was he doing. He took a step forward and instinctively you stepped back.

"What are you doing with a hot tempered brat like him for when you could be with me." He kept walking towards you so you kept walking back. Until your back hit the wall on the far end of the bathroom.

You were beyond scared now. You had no way of calling out help. And Katsuki was no where near you to help.

"Your absolutely gorgeous" he says while slipping his hand on your waist. You reflectivity hit his hand away as tears spring to your eye.

"G-Get away from me, I have a boyfriend you creep." You cry out. Fear taking over.

"If he loves you so much, why isn't he here saving you" he whispers before pinning you against the wall and covering your mouth. His lips attack the flesh around your neck as tears flow down your cheeks. His other hand slowly making its way up your skirt, but before he got to high he was ripped from you and thrown into the now smashed mirror by a very. VERY. Pissed off Bakugou.

"What. the. fuck. Do you think your doing with my girlfriend you perverted maniac." Katsuki says in a dangerously low voice. Just as the guy had opened his mouth, Bakugou's explosive fist landed directly in his face. Bakugou then proceeded to beat the living shit out of him before Kirishima, Kaminari and a few teachers came to pull Bakugou off.

You sat curled into the corner as it unfolded. Watching as your boyfriend defended you with all the power he could unleash. Only once your attacker was taken out to the infirmary did he stop and make his way over to you.

"Are you alright" Katsuki asks gently as he pulls you into his arms. You nod against his chest before saying.

"I am now that your here". He smiled before hugging you tighter, even though he wasn't one for emotional shit.

"I... Am... Never, letting you out of my sight again. Your mine and mine alone. And I'm not willing to share"

"How did you know I was in danger" you ask. He looks at you before saying.

"I just had this feeling that something wasn't right and that you were in danger. Let's just say it's a boyfriend thing." You just smiled before continuing the hug.

You heard the next day that the guy was immediately expelled. Much to yours and Katsuki's delight. Because if Bakugou were to see him again. He'd make sure he'd finish to job he had started.

NO ONE. Touches his girl on his watch.

(A/N):Another chapter done. I hope it was the request you were thinking of. If you have any requests just feel free to ask. I have lots of time on my hands at the moment so I'm happy to write them. There's plenty more one shots where that came from.

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