Protect me (Alpha Overhaul X Omega Reader)

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This is a request from twinkle-toes-131.  I hope you enjoy it. Warning contains acts of sexual violence.

You were extremely emotional to say the least. Walking around your room waiting for Chisaki to come back. You had stayed confinded to your room for fear that the other Alpha's would pounce as soon as your scent left your room.

Chisaki was away on private business and wasnt going to be back until later this afternoon. So you were pretty much stuck until he came home.

Damn I hate heat.

You lay on the bed for what seemed like forever until your stomachs painfully grumbling became to much to handle. So as quick as you could you raced out to the kitchen and grabbed as much food as possible before racing back towards the room. Locking just before a series of banging started at the door.

"Come on sweetcheeks open up for us, we all know your in heat so why don't we do a little activity to get rid of it temporarily." One of Chisaki's lackies say.

"No, go away and leave me alone," this happened all the time. The Alpha's in the building would be swarming to get their hands on you. But none of them did thanks to Chisaki, who got rid if any threat towards you.

You remember the time when he wasn't there and you were on heat. You at the time were unaware of how Alpha's reacted towards Omega's on heat and this was a time you would never forget.

You had been walking around the house when the group of Alpha's pounced on you and started to undress you. If Chisaki wasn't a few doors up and heard you screaming, you were certain that you would of had a child by this point.

Every since that day Chisaki had been very protective and his words for that day still play in your head.

'Don't ever leave your room alone when your on heat again or things with turn ugly quickly.'

The day moved very slowly and there was only so much you could do in your room. It eventually got late and you decided that it would probably be best to take a shower before Chisaki got home.

Collecting your clothes and towel you made your way to the adjoined bathroom across the room. You got undressed and stepped into the warm water, allowing it to soothe all the tension in your muscles. A loud bang caught your attention minutes later and you shut off the water to see if there was actually a noise.

After a few moments of silence you sighed and decided to get out. Wrapping a towel around you as a chill was sent out your spine. Something wasn't right. You heard the slight jiggle of the door knob and fear instantly filled you as you shoved all your weight against the door. They had unlocked both the bedroom and bathroom doors.

"She's trying to keep us out, boys get over here and help"

"Get away from me, leave me alone" you scream trying to shove more weight against the door. But your efforts were in vain. They had strength on their side.

You were thrown by the force of the door opening. Your towel almost falling off. You look up to see three males Alpha's standing in the door. Hungry looks on their faces.

"Your scent is intoxicating our little omega"

"I am not your omega you bastards" you cry out. Fear starting to consume you.

"You are now" one says before the three of them pounce on you like wild dogs, dragging your towel off instantly, exposing you to the open eyes of them.

"G-Get away from me. Someone help!" You scream as their hands touch your body aggressively. You were held down as one male begins to unzip his pants.

"S-Stop that what are you doing"

"I'm gonna make you mine sweetcheeks, now stay still" be says.

"Stop that, get away from me, HELP!" 

A painful scream followed as the guy over you disintegrated into splatters of blood. The other two males jumped back with fearful eyes as Chisaki stood in the doorway with eyes full of rage.

"You want to beg for your lives right now because I am are very close to killing you both right now." He glares. Both males proceded to beg and beg until Chisaki told them to get out of this building before he had a change of heart.

He turned to you, gently picking you up and carrying him out of your room which had a broken door and takes you to his room.

"From now on you are personal staying here as well as staying with me while your on heat. Unlike these other pathetic males I can actually control myself." He says as his eyes turn soft.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there earlier" you snuggled into his chest.

"Your here now and that's what matters"

I hope that was alright and the request you were thinking of. I'll see you all in the next chapter ✌

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