Its About Whats On The Inside (Dragon Kirishima x Reader)

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This is a request from mariamelad6. Hope you enjoy, sorry for the long wait

Your nerves twitched in fear as you silently made your way through the forest highlands south of your village. Your father needed supplies for work and your mother was busy trying to raise you little brother to make the trek. So it was up to you.

However. This part of the forest was know for its dangers and all the disappearances of people. Dangers from highway man to wolves that roam the night. But the thing everyone feared the most was the dragons.

Fearce beasts that will kill a person on sight. It was hard to comprehend the amount of people killed by them.

The forest was filled with a ghostly silence. The sense that something was always watching you crept into your bones.

'Ok, there's nothing to be afraid of. I'm perfectly fine' you thought to yourself as you tugged your cloak tighter around your body as the day drew closer to the end


The sun was starting to set on the forest and the fear you felt before only intensified tenfold. A low howl from the wind alone had your nerves shot and you knew that you weren't even close to the next town.

How were you even going to survive the night out here. Honestly. The only thing you had to defend yourself other than you bare hands was a shitty little axe that was used to chop up firewood.

You set up camp for the night. Hoping nothing bad was to come out of it. Once you were settled in you decided that it was time to get some rest for tomorrows large trek.

However half way through the night a russling in the bushes disturbed you from sleep. Fear crept up as deadly growls filled the air.


As quickly as you could you ran. Dodging trees and bushes as you went dispite the horrible lighting. You were succeeding to. Until you tripped over a fallen tree stump and fell to the ground.

The wolves were on you in a second, bitting and clawing at you as you scream in fear and agony

'This is it. This is how I die.' You thought

But suddenly the wolves were howling in pain as each one was pulled off my an angry yell. You lay still on the ground as pain continued to fill your body.

"Hey, are you alright, stay with me" a deep voice says. You look up to the owner of that voice and was shocked to see a kind smile at the source of it. Sharp pointy crimson hair as bright as blood with white teeth to match.

"I-It h-hurts" you whimper back.

"Don't worry, I'm going to get you help right away. " he says, carrying you into his arms and running to find help.

His eyes looked frantic and was always Scowering the landscape. As if to search for any threats.

He eventually stopped at a cave and hurried you inside.

"I can't get you to the next village over tonight. I need to treat your injuries now before they get worse. He said gently placing you on the ground before searching through his bag.

"This may sting." He says, pouring alcohol on a cloth before dabbing it on your wounds. You wince.

"Sorry" he apologizes as he bandages the many deep cuts on your body.

"Who are you" you ask.

"Oh, sorry I should have introduced myself. I'm Kirishima"

"Thank you Kirishima for saving me"

"It was nothing, I couldn't stand by to let someone die like that"

A moment a silence

"Ill take you to the next town over tomorrow for proper medical treatment, those bandages wont stay clean for long" Kirishima says before you shiver from the cold.

"Here, take this" he says giving you his cloak

"But won't you be cold."

"I'm naturally warm" he says and you put on the cloak, which was significantly warm.

"Thank you" you say yawning.

"We should get some rest, you need it"

And with that you both turn in for the night.


All you felt when you woke up was warmth. Your whole body was enveloped in it dispite sleeping in a cave. It wasn't until you heard loyd breathing did you open your eyes and almost have a heart attack. Sleeping right next to you was a huge red dragon. Panic shot through you, where was Kirishima. Had he been eaten, were you next.

"Kirishima" you whisper as you start shaking

"Kirishima" the beast started sturing. Shit.

You shuffled back in pain as the beast opened his eyes and looked at you


'Hey, hey calm down it's me, I'm Kirishima' you stopped moving and looked at it. How.

'I'm a dragon shifter, it may seem hard to believe but I promise you I mean no harm' he says as he shifts back to his human form.

"B-But how, I thought all dragons were killing machines. I should be dead.

"Not all of us are ruthless killing machines you know. Some of us do care. It's about whats on the inside" he says softly.

A moment passed before Kirishima said.

"Will you still let me take you over to the next town" you nod and Kirishima sighs.

"Well we better get going then" Kirishima says transforming into a dragon once more.

'Hop on'

"We're going to fly" you ask nervously.

'I won't drop you, it will be fun trust me'

You hop on and once sure you were on properly did Kirishima take off. And he was right. Flying was amazing.

Seeing Kirishima had definitely changed your perspective of dragons. Not all were man eating machines. There were some with a heart of gold as well.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed that, sorry for the inactivity. Ive just been to overwhelmed lately to write. But I promise to try and post more often guys.

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