4th Of July (Kirishima x Reader)

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This is a request from violet-the-wizzerd. Hope you enjoy. Also I don't know much about the 4th of July so don't me to hard on me please if I get something wrong.

Japan was very different to how things were back in America. The food for one was very different. While Japan was the place you were staying at currently, America will always be your home.

You were sitting in class as Mr Aizawa rambled on about some boring equations thinking about a special occasion over back home.

The 4th of July, also known as independence day. During this celebratory event people all around America would gather together to celebrate the independence of the country. Massive family gatherings and sporting event were put on as well as fireworks at the end of the day.

The fireworks were by far your favourite bit of the whole day. You had always enjoyed them and wished that one day you'd get the share that with someone special.

"(Y/N)!" Mr Aizawa snaps you out of your daydream with a face that wasn't to impressed. "Seeing how you like to wander off in the middle of my class you don't mind staying back for that time don't you." Your annoyed teacher asked. You sigh. Not even knowing how long that was.

"Yes sir"


"And don't let me catch you not paying attention in my class again, do you understand" Mr Aizawa says at the end of the detention.

"Yes sir, I'm sorry, it wont happen again" with that Mr Aizawa let me go.

Once I had gotten to the dorm I immediately got changed into something nice and was about to warp to America when a knock on my door sounded. I opened it to see my best friend and crush Kirishima.

"Hey (Y/N) what's the occasion"

"Its the 4th of July over back home and I wanted to see the fireworks."

"Fireworks aye, I'll admit I've never seen them before" he admits. You freeze

"No flippen way" you exclaim.


"You've never seem fireworks before"  you asked your spikey haired friend".

"No I haven't" he replies. You grab his hand and pull him out the door,

"Go get something nice on and meet me here in 10 minutes, don't be late" you say before shutting the door.

10 minutes passed rather quickly as Kirishima was soon at your door again. Dresses in some nice casual clothes.

"So what are we doing (Y/N)" he asks

"Just close your eyes and find out" he did as he was told and soon enough you had teleported over to America.


"Ok you can open now" you say as Kirishima opens his eyes, and his reaction made your day.

"Oh my God, where are we" he says stunned as he looks around at the massive buildings of New York.

"Welcome to New York City in America, also known as my home"

"This was your home, it's bigger than Hosu" he exclaimed.

"That isn't even the best part" you check the time on your phone. "Oh shoot, it's almost time follow me" you say grabbing Kirishima's arm and pulling him towards the waters edge.

"Where are you taking me (Y/N)"

"Just wait and see" you said pulling him around the final corner. You arrive at the water and you turn to face Kiri as you throw your hands into the air

"SURPRISE" you scream as fireworks start lighting up the sky. His eyes widen with joy as the colourful explosions bang from one place in the sky to another.

"So this is what real fireworks look like" he says subconsciously before facing you "(Y/N) your amazing" he says wrapping you in a hug.

"I'm not really that amazing"

"This is honestly the best thing ever (Y/N) I could kiss you" he shouts before realizing what he said and turns as red as his hair.

"I-I mean I should, no thats stupid, I can. No damn it that even worse, I um uh-" you gently pecked his cheek stopping his rambling dead

"You can" you say before you both lean in for a kiss under the rainbow glowing sky. 

Bouns part because I feel slack

"You did WHAT!" Your teacher yells at the both of you as he had you captures by his scarf in the common room. Mr Aizawa had realized you two weren't in your dorm rooms and when you teleported back had found you right away and wasn't happy about it

"It was only to see the fireworks back home sir and Kirishima had never seen the before so I"

"Do you know not only how dangerous that was but illegal it as well teleporting to another country like that. That could have cause a whole bunch of international trouble as well as damage your hero careers  permanently"

"Sorry Mr Aizawa" you both say. He sighs

"Don't ever let me catch you don't that again, your both on house arrest for 2 days got that, no complaining or it becomes a week, it should really be a month"

"Yes sir" you both say, not wanting a week of house arrest"

"Good, now get the bed"

You both walk away from your angry teacher ASAP and as soon as you were out of sight you held hands until you went to your separate dorms. This night had been worth it.

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