Love Yourself (Tamaki x Anorexic Reader)

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This is a request from bioshockgirl123. I don't know much about anorexia so excuse me if some stuff isn't accurate.





These were the words you drilled into your head every moment of every day. These were the words of what you wanted to be. You were already classed as what some people might say skinny but you didn't think so. You still had so much fat on you that you wanted gone from your body.

You hardly ate any food during the day, for fear that all you hard work would be for nothing. You ate just enough to keep your body going and that was is. But even that method didn't suffice you.

You also turned to working out whenever you had a spare moment of free time. From running laps to push up and pull ups to practicing moves with your quirk. Theses were the only ways you thought of to get the body you wanted. However you failed to realised two things during all of this.

1. That what you were doing was only harming your body.

And 2. That somebody had gotten increasingly worried about your sudden loss of weight.

Tamaki noticed the small things at first, like how you would skip meals or only eat a small amount, or that you were exercising a ridiculous amount for what you were eating. It was only after you were losing weight that his concern grew.

He could tell just by looking at you, your clothes more sagged off your body instead of filling them. Your face became more hollow and your bones were more on show. Of course he didn't have the courage to speak up about your behavior. What you didn't know was that Tamaki had liked you for a while but just didn't have the courage to talk to you.

Tamaki knew at one point your body would collapse if something didn't change and he hoped you realised that before it was to late.


Your routine started like any other day. You would skip breakfast to train, only eating a small snack bar. Then you would walk to school, do your classes, skip lunch before starting hero training.

Hero training for today was at the USJ. You were glad because this meant you could push yourself and lose weight. Then you could feel beautiful. You were put into a pair with Tamaki and were sent into the rock slide zone.

You really admired Tamaki, even though he was shy he was determined and that determination got him into the big 3. You doubted he thought of you though, he probably thought you were fat and ugly, which was why losing weight was your goal.

Halfway through tht training your body started turning weak, trembling under the amount of work and starvation you put yourself through.

"(Y/N) a-are you ok" Tamaki asks not fully making eye contact. He probably didn't want to look at your ugly face.

"Yeah I'm fine" you say but your body decided to give up at that moment, causing you to fall to the ground as you consciousness faded.

You heard your name being called as arms caught your fragile body. Warmth encased you as darkness surrounds you.


When you woke up, you saw that you were in the hospital, tubes hooked into your arms, a mask over your face, and a familiar person sitting beside you.

"Tamaki" you say weakly.

"What were you thinking" he says softly. You looked at your sheets in silence for a moment before whispering back.

"I wanted to have a skinny beautiful body"

"Well starving and over working yourself isn't the answer!" Tamaki yelled at you. You flinch.

"You had me worried sick when you passed out, your heart beat was so slow I thought you died. I don't know what your talking about with the best body because your beautiful already. You were always beautiful (Y/N)" he said.

"You really think that Tamaki"

"Of course I do, I-I-I like y-you". You smile to yourself. He had liked you all along.

"You got to love yourself (Y/N)"

And Tamaki was that person to help you do it

My Hero Academia Oneshots (Complete)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن