Be Careful (Todoroki x Clumsy Reader)

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This is so relatable.

It was easy to say you were the clumsiest person alive. You ran into everything no matter where it was in the room and you swear sometimes you trip over air.

You were constantly covered in little cuts and bruises from your accidents and it got to the point where your boyfriend started keeping a constant eye on you.



"Ow ow ow that hurts" you say, holding your foot that you had just slammed into the table while racing to get breakfast. Yet again you had slept in and while hurrying to get ready for school you had already ran into your desk, hit your elbow on your cupboard and banged your knee against the bed.

Yea you were accident prone af.

"Babe are you ok" you turn your head to see the red and white hair of Shoto.

"Yeah, my foot just hurts a bit that's all" you say rubbing your foot to soothe the pain.

Shoto raised his right hand over your foot and release a light mist of his ice over your foot to try and lessen the later bruising that would come.

"Thank you Shoto" you say kissing his cheek. You then quickly realized what you were meant to be doing.

"Oh shoot, gotta run babe, I'll see you later" but before you could run off, shoto grabbed your arm.

"Just be careful please" he says. You smile and nod in response beford taking off.


Somehow you managed to get to class without causing yourself serious injured. Just running into a wall or two before actually getting into the classroom.

You take your seat and yet again your clumsiness takes advantage of you, making you hit your hip on the desk as you are sitting down.
You hiss quietly between your teeth as you sit, silently hoping the bang didn't attract the attention of your protective boyfriend. However this wasn't the case as a few seconds later your phone vibrated and a message from Shoto appeared.

'I saw and heard you bang your hip on the desk. You are ok'

'Yes. I'm fine, it's just a bit sore but I'll be ok, no need to worry" you smile again. Ever the loving person Shoto was he always made sure you were alright.

'Just remember to be careful' he texted back.

"(Y/N)" Your head peaked up at the sound of your teachers voice. He didnt look happy.
"Mind telling me why your phone is distracting you from my lesson." Mr Aizawa asked.

"No sir, I'm sorry for having it out" you apologize.

"You can have your phone back at the end of the lesson. Same for you Todoroki" sighing to have your photo to your teacher and proceed with the lesson.


The rest of the day again consisted of you being clumsy and running into everything in sight. During lunch you spilt your hot food and almost scorched yourself, then after ran into an open door almost breaking your nose. Ended up being a quiet day. Most times your in Recovery Girls office have your injury accidents treated.

Shoto did his best to make sure that your didn't seriously injure yourself. There were many times where he has saved you from serious injury and you were truly grateful to have him.

Afternoons at the dorms were pretty boring. After homework was done you pretty much had nothing to do. So you stood by the window watching the sunset and after a few minutes you saw that the clouds had made a beautiful pattern.

Not wanting to miss out on this great photo opportunity you grabbed your phone and raced out to try and capture it. What you happen to forget however was that there were stairs at the front of the dorm house.

Your foot connected with air, you scream in shock before tumbling down the couple of steps, badly scratching your hands and knees.

You lay on the ground still for a moment, letting your heartbeat slow down and as you did Shoto came racing out.

"My love are you alright" he asks. Concern evident in his voice.

"Yea I'm alright, just a bit scratched up." You say starting to get up but hiss as the scratches start throbbing in pain. Shoto sighs before lifting you into his arms and carrying you back inside.

He sits you at the table before walking off to get the med kit. Once he comes back he cleans and bandages it up.

"Thank you Shoto, what would I do without you."

"Be more injured for one" Sigh "Just please be more careful. I cant stand seeing you hurt my love"

"I will"

Yes I know this chapter wasn't that good but just you wait there will be better ones coming up. People who made a request don't worry, all request are beung written. I'll see you all in the next chapter.✌

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