Sick (Izuku x Little Sister Reader)

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This is a request from Yummcake30. Hope you enjoy. Also this is supposes to Izuku taking care of his sick little sister.

The first thing your tiny 6 year old body did when you woke up was shiver in what you could only think was from cold. But that thought quickly changed as nausea settled in your gut, you nose felt clogged and your eyes go blurry.

You didn't feel well. You curl into a ball and wrap yourself in a blanket before settling back into a restless sleep.


"(Y/N), (Y/N) time to wake up little sis." You older brother says gently. You groan in pain and roll over to face your brother with tears in your eyes. Izukus eyes widen.

"(Y/N) what's wrong, why are you crying"

"I dont feel well Izu" you whimper back, Izuku places his hand onto your small forehead, you lean into the cold touch but you see him frown as he pulls away, eyes full on concern.

"Mum!" He calls out to your mother.

"What is it baby" she replies back.

"(Y/N)'s sick with a fever" he replied back as he strokes the hair out of your face. Your mother was in your room seconds later kneeling next your head feeling it.

"Oh my poor baby" she's says as she wipes a tear that falls from your eye. She looks to Izuku.

"Izuku I'm really sorry to ask this of you but can you please stay home with your sister and look after her today. I have an important meeting and I have to go, would you be alright with looking after her until I get back please"

"Of course mum, I'd be glad to"

"Thank you baby, I'll be back soon (Y/N) I promise the moment the meeting is over I'll be straight home" your mum says before kissing your head and leaving. Izuku looks back to you

"You wanna come lay on the couch and watch a movie (Y/N)" he asks. You nod in response.

Gently he picks you up, blankets and all and carries you to the lounge. You snuggle into his warmth, you knew Izuku had to move into the dorms soon at UA so you wanted to treasure what time you had with him dispite being sick. Izuku placed you on the couch, turns the TV on and starts walking off.

"Izu" you say as he turns to you, a caring look on his face.

"I'm just getting a few things (Y/N), I'll be back in a sec" he says, putting your mind at ease. He returns with a empty bucket, wet cloth and some toast and water. He placed the bucket next you and the cloth on your burning head.

"There's some toast, if your hungry try and eat some" he says before putting on a movie, placing a pillow on his lap and drawing you to lay down. "Get some sleep (Y/N), I'll be here you wake up" your brother says as your eyes close shut and sleep pulls you under.

Over the next few hours Izuku helped you when you woke up and was sick, he comforted you, held your hair back and rubbed your back as well as held you as you fell back asleep.

Inko came back after meeting to her two children asleep on the couch, your small body asleep on top of Izuku's chest as Izuku's arm was drapped on top of your back protectively. She smiled and left the two of yous to sleep.

Hoped you enjoyed that, the much anticipated lost chapter to will be out next to stay tuned. See you guys in the next chapter.

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