Massage (Kirishima x Reader)

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OMG GUYS IM SO SORRY. I hadn't realised how much time had passed since the last update. I feel terrible. I just haven't have much motivation lately and the amount of stress on me at the moment. My fnaf phase has also come back as I've been more focused on that atm.

Im gonna try to do better I promise. Anyways on with the chapter.

Your body felt like rocks as you dragged yourself back to the dorms after a gruelling day of training. Every single muscle in your body felt about ready to snap and it took everything you had to just take a step

"Hey babe wait up," someone yells behind you. That someone was your favourite red head Kirishima.

"Hey Kiri" you say with a sigh. Exhaustion evident on your face.

"Woah babe, you look bout ready to pass out, you feeling ok" concern evident in Kirishimas face"

"Yeah I'm alright. I'm just very very sory"

"Well do you want me to carry you back to your dorm, it wouldn't be very manly if I didnt" he asks. You look to him and shake your head.

"Thanks but no thanks Kirishima. I love you but I'd feel bad. You've been training just as hard and you must be exhausted to. If you really wannna help you could always carry my bag" you said to him politely.

"I can work with that" he says taking your bag gently from your hands. The walk back to the dorms was relevantly silent until walking up the stairs, where toi winced at the pain in your back.

"(Y/N), are you sure your alright" Kirishima asks again. His concern really showing.

"Yes Kiri I'm positive its just the muscles in my back that's all. A hot shower and ill be fine" Your boyfriend didn't looked so convinced.

"How about this. You go have a hot shower than meet me back at your room. I'm gonna give you a massage to help soothe your back muscles" you thought about the idea for a moment before finally agreeing on his help. A massage from you boyfriend sounded really good at the moment.

"Sure. If yous ok with that than I'm fine as well" Kirishimas signature smile appeared once more.

"Awesome. Look you go have a shower and I'll meet you in your room afterwards ok" you nod. With that Kirishima left 

It didn't take you long to grab some spare clothes from your room and a towel and before long. Hot water was running down your back.  It helped to soothe the aching pain in your muscles.

After a while you shut off the water, got dressed and headed up to your room and what you found when are arrived left you shocked.

The room had several candles burning, sending its aromas Everywhere. Soft music played from the TV as your boyfriend sat on your bed waiting for you.

"Hey, was the shower nice". He asks. You smile softly

"Yeah it was thanks for asking. This looks great Kiri, you've out done yourself." Your comments caused your boyfriend to turn the same colour as his hair.

"Shall we get started" he says pointing to the bed. You lie down on your stomach as he sit next to you. His hand begin at the top of your shoulders where most of the pain was. You wince slightly as his hands run around the painful area but it wasnt long before the muscles started to loosen (why does this sound so wrong).

His hands dug deep into your back. Cracking some of the pressure in your spine. Kirishima was gentle yet firm while rubbing  your back. And it wasnt long before the pain started fading away as yiue eye's drooped and exhaustion started taking its toll.

"You getting sleepy babe" he asks and you slowly nod. "Want me to leave" you shake your head no.

"Stay" you whisper tiredly.

"How could I say no to that" without a seconds though Kiri slips into bed with you and it wasnt long before you both were out like a light.

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