Lost part 7 (Class 1A x Reader)

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GUYS IM SO SORRY FORGIVE ME. I know its been a while and you all are probably pissed off. I'm trying to be better promise. I've had it very tough over the past few weeks .Anyway let's get to it. This should be the last part.

You attempted to sit up. The shock still radiating from your body. The whole earthquake terrified everyone. Including the resident hot head. His face while not showing much. His eyes were what showed the most emotion. His attention then turned to you as your plan to sit up didn't quite go to plan.

"Oi, Oi, Oi, what are you doing. Lay your ass back down, your wounds were only just cleaned. We don't need them getting infected again." He muttered.

"But I want to make sure everyone is ok first" you answer back.

"How can you do that when you can't even get up by yourself. Everyone's fine. Take some time to looks after yourself for once. Help should be here soon anyway"  Bakugou replies sitting next to you.

"Yeah I guess your right" you shifted back on the ground. Bakugou sits next to you, gently lifting your head and laying it on his lap. After a few moments of quiet you told him.

"Thank you Bakugou, for before." refereeing to your infection. 

"Its not big deal, just tell us if something isnt right, you had us worried."

You sigh, in all honesty you didnt say anything because everyone else was preoccupied with other things, they've worried about you to much already. They didn't need another stress on top. 

"What!" Bakugou asks after hearing you sigh

"Nothing" you reply

"Damn it (Y/N) what did I just say about keeping things from me" you sigh again, Bakugou's angry expression meant he really means it. 

"I just didnt want to become a burden because of my injuries. I didn't want you guys stressing more than what you already were." he was quiet for a while, too quiet to the point where it started to scared you.

"Uh Bakugou...." 

"Is that what you really thought. That you were a burden, THAT WE DIDNT CARE ABOUT YOU. IS THAT REALLY WHAT YOU THOUGHT" You flinch away at his tone. The commotion grabbing the attention of the others, who had started making their way over to you both.

"T-Thats not what I meant, not at all, I just. . . I d-didnt want you guys to keep worrying about me. I'm sorry I didn't say anything" tears appeared in your eyes and Bakugou's eyes softened as he pulled you into a hug.

"Im sorry to, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. Its been tough on all of us."

"Is everything alright here Bakugou" Todoroki asks as he made his way over. Concern flashed in his eyes.

"Everythings fine icyhot, nothing to worry about"

"Are you sure. You were yelling a second ago"

"I SAID WE WERE FIND DIDNT I, SO MIND YOUR DAMN BUSINESS" Bakugou screamed at Todoroki and it made you laugh. Both boys turned to you a gave you a puzzled look

"What so funny" the blonde huffed

"Its just that even in situations like this your still so prideful its funny"

"YEAH AND WHATS SO BAD ABOUT THAT" Bakugou screams again. Causing you the laugh harder, that was until your stitches pulled again. You winced

"Careful, I dont wanna have to deal with more blood" he says stroking your hair. You blush and suddenly feel flustered. Surely not. You couldn't have fallen for the loud blonde.

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