Save Me (Bakugou x Self Harm Reader)

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Disclaimer: this story contains mentioning of self harm and depression that may trigger some people. Skip if you wish to not read it.

One cut.

Two, three, four cuts. Markings that left my arms stained with the red of my blood. But that did little to dull the black emptiness that tortured me every day.

Another one.

Another one.



I didn't feel the pain of the cuts, all I was seeing and feeling was the blood dripping down my arms and that black whole that threatened to swallow me whole.

My head felt woozy, my eyes were unfocused. But I pushed them away as I went to the sink to clean myself off. The water stung slightly but I paired no attention to it. I grabbed some bandages and wrapped them around my damaged arms.

I put on my mask as I walk to the classroom. Fake smile, fake laugh, fake happiness. All of it fake. I was not the person I was before. I was always happy, always smiling. But now that has disappeared, replaced by a fake version.

"Good morning (Y/N), how are you today" Uraraka asks in her usual happy voice.

"I'm good" lies, lies, all of it lies. "How about you"

"I've been good, but how come you havent taken your blazer off, it's getting hot don't you think"  she replies

"Nah I'm good I don't really feel the heat." Another lie

"Well ok then, just don't get heat stroke ok" she says before returning to her seat.

In the periods up until lunch I felt like someone was watching me and it wasn't until I was on my way to the cafeteria that my hunch was proven correct.

Someone grabbed my arm roughly and it took everything I had to not wince or cry out. I look back to see the person who had grabbed it was non other than the class hot head and my childhood friend Katsuki Bakugou.

"Oh hey Katsuki, what's up" I ask

"What the hell do you think your doing" he asks back. The question stumped me for a second as I had no idea what he meant.

"Going to the cafeteria to get lunch, what else would I be doing" I reply.

"No I mean what the hell do you think your doing wearing your blazer in this heat, do you want to pass out from heat stroke" he growls. Oh so that's what this was about.

"I'm fine promise, I don't even feel the heat" I lied again. I was sweating under this thick blazer.

"Tch whatever, just don't come complaining to me when you wake up in a hospital bed" he says before walking away. The rest of the day was uneventful but the wrists burned from when Katsuki had grabbed it before.

The dark thoughts start comin back to me on the walk back to my lonely apartment. My parents died a dew years back leaving me an orphan to fend to myself. It's probably how these thoughts started.

Once I get home I change into long black clothing and go to the bathroom. Blood seeped from the bandages that were once white. Good thing I wore long sleeves today. I grab my razor and start to cut the damaged skin.




I watched as the blood ran down from my arms into the sink below. Watching my life drain away from me and disappearing into the darkness.


Three heavy bangs on my from door sounded. Shit who is that. I quickly wash off any excess blood and wrap a bandage around them quickly, rolling down my sleeves before racing to the front door.


"Coming" I say, twisting the door knob to see Katsuki standing there.

"What are you doing here Katsuki, shouldn't you be at home" I ask.

"I was just making sure you didn't pass out on your way home thats all" he says in a bored tone. I could feel the blood start to seep out of the bandages. Shit not now.

"Well as you can see I'm perfectly fine, well I've got to go Katsuki. Lots of homework to do you know. Bye" I say and as I begin to shut the door he shoves his foot between it stopping it from closing before grabbing my wrist. This time I couldn't control my wince.

His hand retracted immediately for a second before he stares at his hand like it wasn't there before. He looks at my wrist and the look on my face. His face of shock instantly turned to a face of anger.

"(Y/N), show me your wrists. Now!" He growls in a low but dangerous voice. I pull my arms to my chest as I back away slightly. Knowing that he wasn't going to back away until he had seen them.

"You don't want to see them, there's nothing wrong with them" I say nervously. Getting ready to run to my bathroom.

"I want to see them for myself, now SHOW ME YOUR WRISTS" He screams reaching out for me. I dodge and run to the bathroom, locking the door and sitting on the toilet. I thought I was safe until my door exploded into pieces around me.

I huddle myself into the corner as Katsuki walks through the door and stares at the sink, face unreadable. I quickly realized that I had left the razor and blood in the sink. He turns to me and crouches in front of me.

"(Y/N), show me your wrists" he says again but this time in a more calm voice. Tears start to well. I didn't want him to see my weakness, I didn't want him to see what I had done, what I had become.

Without realizing he grabbed them and pulled up the sleeves to show the bloodied bandages underneath. He releases my arms before he growls loudly.

"DAMN IT" he yells as he punched the wall causing me to jump.

"WHY (Y/N)! WHY DID YOU DO IT, YOU DUMBASS. IF YOU NEEDED HELP I WAS RIGHT HERE. WHY DO THIS TO YOURSELF YOU IDIOT" He screams, tears form in his eyes as he faces me. Seeing my usually strong friend like this caused me to burst into tears. He pulls me into his chest as I mutter I'm sorry over and over again.

"Let's get you cleaned up" he says calmly after a few minutes. Katsuki pulls me up and leads me to the sink where he grabs the razor and pegs it at the wall so hard it shatters. He takes the bandages off, cleans and disinfects the cuts before putting clean bandages back over it. After he was done he looked at me.

"Your going to stay with me so I can keep an eye on you until you get better. I don't care what you say its happening, your also going to councillor sessions as well. Your not doing this again either otherwise I'll tell Mr Aizawa and that's not the best option for you at the moment." He says and I nod in response.

"Hey Katsuki" I say as he looks at me.

"Thank you"

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