SURPRISE CHAPTER!!!! Unexpected Visitor Part 5 (Class 1A x Child Reader)

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Hey guys sorry I've been gone so long just thought that I'd take a break from writing for a bit. Anyway a lot of people liked this series and wanted more so here we go. Unexpected Visitor part 5. Enjoy.

Its been a few months since the incident with your mothers old boyfriend but it really wasn't going well for you. For one the emotional scaring caused you to have nightmares on the nightly bases. So most night you stayed with Momo or your dad.

You felt guilty for doing it. They both worked hard all the time and you were disturbing their sleep.

Another thing that was making life difficult was the activation of your quirk. You had no control over it and this sometimes caused problems. For example the other day you reached out to grab a glass of water but your quirk sent it flying causing to shatter on the wall.

You were pretty upset about it but your dad said that it was ok and normal for this to happen at the start. He also said that he could always deactivate it if it got dangerous. 

But to sum it all up you were a mess at the moment for a 5 year old. And you didn't know what to do.


"You could have saved him with your quirk (Y/N). Why didn't you save your father" your mother says.

"I cant control it mummy I don't know how to use it"

"Because of you he's dead and can't help his class its all your fault"

"Mummy no. Don't leave me again."

"Mummy no".


You jolt awake from the nightmare. Tears rolling down your face. Momo not sturring, she had the provisional hero exams today and was exhausted. Your father wasn't much better. He had been busy lately and you didn't want to disturb him either.

So quietly you walk out of Momos room and headed to the kitchen to find daddy's stash of chocolates he hides and to get some water. 

Once you get there you realised you couldn't reach the cupboard. So as quietly as you could you drag a chair over and climb onto it and start to grab a few chocolates along with a glass.

"And what are you doing missy" a voice says, startling you as you wobble off to the side. You slip of the chair and fall straight into your father's open arms.

"I was grabbing some water." You say

"If you were grabbing water why do you have my chocolates in your hands, why are you really down here" you paused, not looking at your fathers face.

"It was another nightmare wasnt it" you shook your head yes. Your dad started walking and the next thing you knew you were laying in his bed as your father tucked you in.

"How about we watch a movie" he asked and you shake your head yes. "Alright then"
As he started a children's movie for you. Slowly you drift off to sleep in the safety of your fathers arms.

The next day wasnt much better. You woke up to an empty bed, you father probably getting your breakfast ready. Slowly you get out of bed and make your way to the kitchen. Most of the class was up and getting ready for the day.

"Morning (Y/N)" some of the class says as you sit in your usual seat.

"Morning" you reply back. It was then your dad brought in your breakfast.

"Thanks daddy"

"Your welcome (Y/N)." He replied back

After breakfast everyone disbursed to do their own thing. Including yourself, which you decided to take some snacks and some dolls and go sit next to your favourite tree on the outskirts of the campus. You knew that your dad wouldn't mind. You weren't gonna leave it after all.

You sat there for ages until it started getting cloudy and you knew it was going to rain. You went back to the dorm and had dinner but this was when things started getting very intense.

You were sitting at the table nicely, while playing with your dolls, something important was happening in your game and you didn't want to stop. That was until your dad interrupted.

"(Y/N) its time to put those dolls away, dinner is almost ready. " he said. And what you didn't know was that he had a horrible day.

"But daddy i'm playing a game and Princess sparkle needs to be rescued by the prince" you whine back.

"Well you can play it tomorrow, now pack them away" he said starting to get a little grumpy.

"I dont want to" you reply back angrily. Holding the dolls to your chest. The rest of the class staring

"I said now (Y/N)!"

"I dont want to"

"How about we can play after dinner (Y/N). Of thats alright with Mr Aizawa" Izuku said. But you were having none of it.

"I SAID I DONT WANT TO" You scream and throw your arms down at the ground. Your emotions caused your quirk to activate and when you threw your arms down it sent a heavy force across the room. Sending Izuku and your dad flying until they hit the wall.

You stood there frozen. What had you just done. You stared at your hands as tears well in your eyes. You had just hurt your dad and  Izuku. Most of the class had formed around the two to see if they were ok. You started slightly walking backward. This power. You were a monster.

Your father got up and looked at you. Like he could already tell what you were thinking of yourself. You walked backwards toward the door.

"(Y/N) its not your fault, come here darling" he said as he walked towards you. A slight limp in his step. You couldn't take it. You turned and ran outside where it was raining.

"(Y/N)!" Your father screamed but you had already taken off to go to your favourite tree to calm down.

But the time you got to your tree you were soaking wet as tears ran down your face. You had hurt people with your powers. You curled up into a ball and cried you kept crying until you heard a familiar yet terrifying voice behind you.

"I've finally gotten you at last" Ivan said from behind you and the last thing you remember was his terrifying smile before all went black.

Hope you guys enjoy that. Depending how what people think there may be another part but don't forget I am still making the  lost series so stay tuned for that. Anyway thanks guys and I will see you all in the next chapter

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