I'll Be Your Hero (Izuku x Little Sister Reader)

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To say you were close to your older brother was an understatement. You were like two peas in a pod. Despite you both being Quirkless, Izuki tried his best to protect you.

But he couldn't protect you from everything.

You were sick with a disease that slowly destroyed you body, and because of this you were always sick and away from school. Izuku was always there to look after you when those days came, sitting beside you as you threw up, cradling you against his body. He was your own personal hero.

He even looked after you at school. Standing up to the bullies who tormented you about your disease dispite being scared and bullied himself.

You knew he wanted to become a hero like All Might. He had since he was a kid and being quirkless didn't stop him from trying.

Despite being harrassed by Bakugou, Izuku still tried his best at everything he did while trying to keep you safe as well. To be honest there wasn't really anything your brother wouldn't do for you.

"Izu, wanna go out shopping today"

"Sure thing (Y/N)" . . .


"Izu can you help me with my homework"

"Of course I can". . .


"Izu I'm feeling sick again, can you get mum and the medicine please"

"Right away little sis". . .

Anything you needed or wanted to do together he was there. Which was why he was your hero.

And why you were sad that you would never see him become one.


"You'll have to go to school by yourself today Izuku, (Y/N)'s sickness is really bad today so she'll have to stay home" You heard your mother say from the kitchen as you were grouched over the toilet.

"Alright mum" your brother says before you hear footsteps walking up the Hall before 2 knocks sounded on the door.

"(Y/N), are you alright in there" ypu hear your brother ask.

"Kinda" you reply back weakly, coughing again before throwing up. The door opens slowly as Izuku enters. He kneels beside you, pulling you close and pulls out his volume 13 Heroes Analysis book. He goes through a few pages and once he was sure that your vomiting had stopped he helped you up and guided you back to bed.

"Izuku, if you dont leave now your going to be late for school!." Your mother shouts.

"AAAAHHHHH, I'll see you this afternoon (Y/N), we can watch All Might videos and everything, bye I love you" he shouts before running put of your room.

You stayed in your room for most of the day until you got this weird feeling something want right. You got up, deciding to tell your mother something was off, but as you entered the hallway your vision becomes black and you fall to the ground. The last thing you hear before loosing their consciousness was your mothers fearful cries.


Izuku's day so far was 50/50, your starters you were sick, but on the way to school he saw a villain attack with Mount Lady and Kamui Woods defeating them. But now Kaccan and some of his friends had bullied him for wanting to join UA and had thrown his now burnt book out the window.

He grabbed his book out of the water and started walking home, as he was walking through a tunnel his photo rang but as he was about to grab it out of his pocket he was attack by a villain.

All of the events after that had him to distracted to call the person back. All Might, the rooftop, Kaccan and the sludge villain. By the time he walking down his street it was sunset and he yet again ran into Kaccan and All Might. Only after his crying fit did he feel his phone ring again. He pulled it out of his pocket and see his mum ringing. He answered it.

"Hi mum, sorry for not calling back I was interrupted b-"

"Dont worry about that now just get to the hospital as quick as you can" he mother says quickly and sounded love she had been crying.

"Why, mum what going o-" he stopped, there was only one reason

"Is it (Y/N)" his mothers sobs answers for him. "I'll be there soon" he said hanging up, saying goodbye to All Might before racing to the hospital.

Once at the hospital, he asks what room you were in and once told races there, tears in his eyes, his chest tight. You. His little sister. In the hospital.

"(Y/N)" he yells, slamming the door open to you room. There you were. Laying on the bed connected to tubes. Your mother beside you, crying. He walks over to the side of the bed and gently grabs your hand.

"I'm here (Y/N). Im here" Izuku cries. You open your eyes to see the green hair of your brother.

"Izu" you whisper. Slightly smilingly at his presence.

"Your going to be alright (Y/N) I promise you, your gonna pull through" he says

"Izuku. . ." your mother starts. "They said she wasn't going to see tomorrow. The disease has distroyed all the vital organs. She won't be with us much longer baby" she weeps, pulling your brother in for a hug.

"Izu, I love you so much, there's no one else I would want as my big brother, I just wish we could have been heroes together" you say, taking off your necklace that's says your my hero and giving it to him. He looks at it and takes it from your hand.

"I'll be your hero (Y/N), until the day I die" he says, tears falling from his face as your eyes close and your hands go limp.

You already were my hero. Big brother.

A sad one I know but I hope you enjoyed it and hould I do a part 2, anyway I'll see you all in the next chapter.

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