Stop That, It Tickles (Todoroki x Reader )

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This is a request from Cosplay666girl hope you enjoy. Sorry for the long wait.

It was a quiet Sunday afternoon and you were laying on the couch with your red and white haired boyfriend watching a movie of your choosing. Snuggled in a blanket with snacks on the table it seemed like the perfect way to spent the rest of the day before you start another stressful week at school. You rest your head against his chest as you enjoy each other's presence.

"This is the perfect way to spend the day don't you think Shoto" you ask.

"It is darling" he replies. Wrapping an arm around you. His hand brushing over a ticklish spot on your side, causing you to jump as you let out a squeak.

"What's wrong (Y/N)" Shoto asks. Looking at you concerned.

"Oh it's nothing, you just tickled me a bit that's all." You say before going silent and turn your attention back to the movie. It was then that Shoto got an idea.


"The movie was absolutely amazing, what do you think about another one Shoto" you ask.

"Sure thing" he replies as he gets ready to spring his plan into action. Once you had placed another movie on you got comfy once more and just as you we're getting settled a tickle sensation in your side had you yelp and jump up in surprise as you glare at your boyfriend.

"Shoto!" You exclaim in annoyance as you hug your side Protectively.

"What is it my darling" he replied with a shit eating grin like he hadn't done anything wrong.

"Don't you darling me Mister, you know exactly what you did" you reply, still glaring at him.

"I'm sorry darling, won't happen again."

You slowly unwrap your sides and settle back down on the couch. However after a few seconds you found yourself pinned underneath Shoto as he proceeds to relentlessly tickle your defenseless sides. Laughter erupts from your mouth, unable to be contained as your tickled.

"S-Shoto stop that it tickles" he didn't stop

"I give in, I surrender I surrender" you says.

"But I love seeing you laugh" he says as he tickles you more. Your laughing doesn't stop

"Shoto s-seriously stop it, I'm gonna pee stop." You plead. Thankfully he stops as you run down the Hall to relieve yourself.

When you come back you gave your boyfriend the Evilest look.

"Shoto Todoroki, your a dead man"

Payback was gonna be a bitch

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