Unexpected Visitor Pt 1 (Class 1A x Child Reader)

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A/n: Your about 5 in this.

You kept a tight grip on your father's hand as you walked down the huge halls that never seemed to end. Your little backpack settled on your shoulders as you clench your favorite teddy in your little hand.

Your father came to a stop at a huge door with the number 1 and letter A on it. He looks down at you with caring eyes. As he crouches down to your level.

"Now sweetheart, these people may be loud alright. If you feel to overwhelmed come to me alright." He says softly as nod slowly. He sighs before opening the door.

"Good morning Mr Aizawa" many voices say, causing you to run behind your dads legs.

"Good morning class" he says in his tired tone. All eyes were on you at this point.

"Um sir, who's child is that" a green haired boy asks. Your dad sighs.

"She's mine" he replys.

"SHE'S WHAAAAATTTTT" several voices yell across the room, making you bury your head into your dads leg. You felt a hand on you head and you look up to see your dad smiling at you.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't yell. (Y/N) doesn't like loud noises and she's shy around large groups." He says.

"Sir if you don't mind me asking, what is she doing here" a boy with glasses says.

"Her school was shut today and I had nowhere for her to stay while I was at work so I brought her with me" your dad says. A sudden vibration caused you to jump slightly as your dad grabbed his phone out of his pocket

"Hello. . . Yea. . . I see. . . I'll be there in a minute." He said before hanging up and looking to the class.

"I just got a call from Principal Nezu, he requires me in his office. Iida, your in charge, Yaoyorozu, I want you to look after (Y/N) while I'm gone alright. I don't know how long I will be so do whatever you like until I get back" he then turns to you.

"I'll be back soon ok. You see that girl in the back, (points to Momo) she's going to look after you until I get back. Be good while I'm gone ok sweetheart"

"Daddy don't leave" you say with tears in your eyes. A hand touches your shoulder and you look to see a pretty girl with long black hair tied into a ponytail kneeling beside you.

"It's alright (Y/N), you have nothing to worry about. You dad will be back in no time, why don't we have some fun. My name is Momo" she says, successfully draw in your attention from your dad leaving the room.

You take her hand as she leads you up to the back of the room. The rest of the class were doing their own thing by this point. She sat you on her lap before you took out some paper and pencils and began to draw.

After a few minutes your attention went from your drawing to the red and white haired boy beside Momo. He was sitting by himself on his phone. You decided to go talk to him. Shuffling off Momo you went to the seat beside you.

"Hello" you say sweetly at him. He turns to you and smiles.

"Hi" he replys back warmly. "What have you got there" he asks pointing to your bear in your arms.

"This is (B/n. Bear's name ), they're my best friend" you say back in a semi loud voice as you stretch your arms out to give him a better look. The class had turned their attention to you and the boy as he pulled you up and sat you on the desk.

"What your name" you ask innocently.

"My name is Shoto" he reply. You sit your bear down and reach for his hair, it was soft and fluffy, kinda like the cat you had at home. Your hand then goes to the red mark around his eye. He stiffened.

"What's this" you ask.

"It's a scar" he replies and the whole class went quiet.

"It think it's pretty" you say, causing your new friend to chuckle.

"Thank you (Y/N)" the whole class went wild after that, about how your friend never talked about the red mark or opens up to anyone.

Over the next half an hour you made friends with most of the class. Uraraka made you float around and fly in the air. Kirishima and Mina were playing games with you and Midoryia and Asui were drawing with you. The girls kept you away from the small boy with the purple hair, you have no idea why.

As you were drawing you looked to the front of the classroom to see a blonde boy sitting by himself. He looked upset so you quickly drew him a happy picture and climbed off Midoryia's lap to give it to him.

"(Y/N) where are you going, come back, I don't think Kaccan is in the mood" he said but you ignored him. You wanted everyone to be happy. You came up to his desk and put the paper on it. He looked at it, then at you before glaring.

"What do you want" he said angrily. Making you slightly scared.

"I made you a present" you said. He glares at you. The whole class goes silent and still

"Bakugou if you hurt her..." Iida started before Bakugou glared at him.
He picks up the paper and looks at it properly before a small smile appears on his face, causing the whole class to gasp.

"Did Bakugou just smile"

"Surely I'm dreaming"

"I didn't think he could smile"

Bakugou looks at you before scruffing your hair.

"Your not bad kid." He says. The picture you had drawn was him being happy and helping people.

Soon enough the bell rang and your dad had come back to take you to his next class. When he got there he was shocked to see a still stand in classroom, a smiling Bakugou and a quiet class.

Hope you all enjoyed that. I found it was pretty cute. Comment what you think or what you want more of.

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