Dont overdo it (Bakugou x reader)

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Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've had really bad motivation and mental health lately so I took a break from writing. This is more of a comfort one for me that I thought I'd share.

TW. Lots of self hatred thoughts

Wake up, go to school, train, study, sleep, repeat. That was your daily life. Exhaustion always nagged at your bones as you stress about whether you’ll have improved enough to training test this week. The only you honestly looks forward to was going back to bed and sleeping the 4 or so hours you got a night.

Any free time you got for yourself usually was spent just laying in bed staring at the ceiling or scrolling through your phone. Nothing productive about that at all. Not to mention the amount of mental strain you were under as well. Sometimes it just made you wanna cry under the blankets for hours on end.

Whatever you were struggling through, you pushed past it. You had to afterall. People depended on you. You needed to push yourself. For them.

It was early Monday morning and exhaustion already nagged at your body. Bones felt as heavy as lead and head like someone had just drove a jack hammer through your skull. Slowly you sat up in bed. Head spinning as you rub your eyes. Trying to get the world to stop spinning.

A tired yawn makes its way out as you struggle to get out of bed. Reaching over your clumsily grab your phone from the small bedside table and check the time.

6am. Yep. Time to get some study in before getting ready for school. After finally being able able move your legs, you wobble over to the desk by the window. Opening the curtains slightly to reveal the makings of a sunrise over in the distance. Pinks, yellows and blues assaulted the sky.

You'd take in the beauty if you weren't so tired, reluctantly sitting in the hard chair by the desk you flip open a book and begin studying.


Before you realised it was almost 7:30. You jump out of your seat in a panic. It took almost 30 minutes to walk from campus from the dorms and school started at 8am. Shit you were late and you weren't even ready yet. Hastily you shove on the winkled clothes from yesterday and pack your bag. Dragging a brush through your hair you didn't have time shower and have breakfast. You could worry about that later.

Sliding your shoes on your race out of your room and down to the common room. Unsurprisingly finding it empty. Everyone was probably already at school and you hadnt even left the dorms yet.

You jumped down the stairs. Legs almost turning to jelly at the impact with the ground. Nevertheless you pushed on. Running as fast as your body would carry it. Past other students who were running late  through the school doors, up the stairs. Finally you just make it into the classroom just as the bell rings.

You were breathless, practically wheezing to get some air into your lungs. Body feeling like it could collapse any second.

"(Y/N), we thought you slept in and were going to be late." Uraraka chimes in concernedly.

"(Y/N) THAT WAS VERY TARDY. All students should be in the classroom approximately 15 minutes before class is supposed to start." Iida shouts from the back of the room. Hands waving about in their usual manner.

"Hey four eyes. Shove a sock in it. No one cares so why does it matter" Bakugou perks up from across the room. You cheeks slightly redden at the gesture.

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