A Sick Lover (Sick Kirishima x Tamaki)

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This is a request from Dekuboi9. I know this isn't what I usually write but I thought I'd give it a try and see how it went, I hope you enjoy.

From the time Kirishima woke up this morning he didn't feel right. He was hot, sweaty and just didn't feel well. Nausea swelled in his gut and his vision blurred every so often.

'Damn it, I can't be sick today. I've got an important mission with FatGum and Amajiki later and I need to be there."

Dispite thinking that, Kirishima dicided to ignore his usual instincts and go to the mission later anyway. He got dressed and headed down to the kitchen to take some pain killers to get rid of the fever.

"Morning Kirishima" Mina says happily.

"Morning" he replys groggily

"Woah dude, you don't look so good, your covered in sweat man" Kaminari says.

"I just woke up hot, I was about to take a shower" he replies. If he was caught being sick he knew they would tell Mr Aizawa, which meant goodbye today's mission. After the attention was off him he hid a packet in his pocket for later and took two now before heading to the shower to cool off.

The shower helped cool him down and before he knew it the painkillers were taking effect as well and he felt semi normal.

The rest of the day went as slow as it could be and as soon as the painkillers lost effect he took more to make sure the fever didn't come back.

'Its just for today and that's all. It only needs to last until this mission is over and then I can rest.'

Finally after waiting the whole day Kirishima grabbing his hero costume and made his way to FatGum's agency. Ready to start his mission.

Upon entering the debrief room he saw that Tamaki was already there next to FatGum. His eyes met with Tamaki's and he couldn't help but blush a small bit.

"Oh hey Kirishima, get suited up and come back here for a debrief on the mission." FatGum said

"Sure thing Fat" Kirishima replied walking off to get prepared.


"So we're just patrolling the streets to see if we can catch this guy" Kirishima asked as he Tamaki and FatGum walked the night darkened streets.

"Sure is, the more ground we cover the more chance well get to catch this guy" FatGum in his usual happy tone as he eats a skewer from the tray. Kirishima's head started throbbing again and he started to sweat.

'Damn, the painkillers are wearing off' he thought. Kirishima lagged a little bit behind so he could take some more without suspicion. However when he grabbed the packet he saw there was none left. Great.

"Come on RedRiot, times a wasting" FatGum called from in front of him.

"Coming" he called back. This wasnt good, if his fever came back it could mean he would have to leave. And the last thing he wanted to do was leave FatGum and Tamaki by themselves.

So he pushed through it. Surely they wouldn't be out here to long right.


It turns out they were staying longer than expected. There had been an incident a few blocks away that they had been called to help investigate and this made Kirishima worry. If his fever got worse someone was going to notice.

"Kirishima" Tamaki asks out of the blue, he was trailing beside him behind FatGum. "Are you alright, you seem a bit pale"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine, totally fine" he fumbles out. Because that wasn't obvious that something was wrong.

"Are you sure" Tamaki asks and Kirishima nods back. Kirishima was honestly touched that Tamaki cared so much.

They arrived at the scene it had looked like a bomb had gone off. There was debris and spot fires everywhere.

"Watch your step you two" FatGum says to them. Kirishima's eyes blurred for a second as he feels the effect of the fever taking over once more. His stomach churned, making him wish he hadn't of had the free dinner Fat brought for them.

"Both of you spread out for clues" Fat asks, Kirishima walked across the street and walked to the edge of a dark ally where a figure turned and ran.

"I found someone" he yelled and ran after the guy. Not waiting for the others like he should have.

Kirishima chased the man through multiple different backstreets until the guy was cornered. Kirishima stopped in front of him before his eyes blurred and bile rose in his throat. This wasn't a good time to battle. He should have waited for the others.

"Your not looking so good little hero" the guy smirked.

"Was it you that caused that explosion."

"Of course it was me, why did you think I ran from you." The villain says before attacking. Kirishima only just dodged it and the sudden movement caused his eyes to blur further. This wasnt going to end well. He couldn't even activate his quirk in time

Before he had time to react the villain charged at full speed and lands a fist straight into his stomach. The force sent him flying into a wall before his stomach emptied its contents on the ground. After his stomach was empty his arms and legs felt like jelly from exhaustion and overuse while he was sick. There was no way he was going to be able to get back up and fight. He couldn't fight at all. His breath was laboured and he was hot dispite shivering.

"You don't look so good so why don't I put you out of your misery" the villain says walking up to him

'Get up, I've got to do something'

"Night night" Kirishima put his arms in front of his face to attempt to shield him from the attack. But the attack never came.

Instead the villain was taken down by Tamaki who was less than a few feet in front of him. A face of both anger and worry plastered on his face. Tamaki hurried over to him and felt his sweaty forehead.

"Kirishima your burning up, how long have you been feeling like this" Tamaki asked. The shyness not evident at all

"Most of the day" he replied and Tamaki's face turned angry.

"Why the hell would you come to a mission while you were sick. Do you know how stupid that was. You could have been killed just now, and then what would I have done then huh, knowing that I couldn't protect the one I LOVED" Tamaki shouted. Leaving Kirishima speechless. Tamaki liked him.

Tamaki must have realized what he said because seconds later he became the usual shy boy and hid his face.

"I-I uh, you... Um..." He stuttered.

"I l-like you to T-Tamaki" Kirishima shivered. Refocusing on him, Tamaki remembered the situation at hand.

"Come on, we need to get you back to Fat." He says about to help Kirishima back up. But before he could take Tamaki's hand his stomach churned again as bile quickly rose in his throat. He quickly turned to the side and yet again emptied his stomach before proceeding to shiver more aggressively. Tamaki's hand was placed back on his forehead.

"Your fever is getting worse. We need to hurry" Tamaki says before taking Kirishima into his surprisingly strong arms and heading back to FatGum.


To say that both FatGum and Mr Aizawa were pissed off was putting it lightly. It was scary seeing Mr Aizawa mad usually but seeing FatGum angry was in a different league. He wasn't to impressed that Kirishima had come to the mission sick with a fever and told him that if he came on a mission sick again there would be severe consequences.

Tamaki was extra careful to make sure that Kirishima was well enough to go on missions

Hope you liked this chapter. I'll see you all in the next chapter guys.

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