Forget About The Past (Todoroki x Reader)

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This is a request from Weboo_Ally. Hope you enjoy.

You sat there in shock at what you had just been told. The scar, the hatred for his father. It all made sense now. Tears sat in your eyes as you looked at Todoroki. Remembering the events that led to this conversation.


You stood outside youe house waiting for Todoroki to come so you walk to school together. Seeing how you couldn't go to his house to pick him up. You never knew why he didn't want you coming to his house.

"Hello (Y/N)" you were dragged out of your daze by Todoroki appearing at the front gate.

"Hi Todoroki, how are you this morning" you say cheerfully, walking up to the front gate and walking out.

"I am fine, how about you" he asks

"I'm great, we better get going before we're late for school, we don't Aizawa on our backs again" you say as the both of you start walking. Something about Todoroki seems off. He didn't seem like himself today .

"Hey, I know you said you were fine and everything, but are you really ok, I mean you know I'm always here to talk if you nee-"

"I'm fine (Y/N), you don't need to worry about me" he said before walk off faster.

Ok got the memo.

"Hey I have an idea, why don't we go for ice cream later. Sounds fun huh" you say racing to catch up with him. He looks at you and smiles slightly.

"Sure, why not. There's been something I've been wanting to tell you anyway." He says before going quiet. You took this as a sigh to be quiet and silently walked to school.

School to say the least was average and the usual. You were more worried about Todoroki, what did he have to tell you. The thought was stuck at the back of your head the whoe day. After school you met up with Todoroki and together you went to the ice cream shop. Once there you decided on your order

"What do you want, I'll pay." Todoroki says.

"No you don't have to pay, I can pay for my own." He gave you a look that said not to argue. You sigh, "fine, I'll have (F/F)" you said.

"Can I get a vanilla and a (F/F) please" Todoroki said and they were soon ready. You went over to a table where Todoroki sat there in silence for a while.

"So what was it you wanted to tell me Todoroki" you asks softly. He sighs

"There's something I havent told you that I think you need to know." He starts.

"I'm listening. Take all the time you need" you say, noticing that this might be a sensitive topic for him.

"Well, my bastard of a father is the reason why I have this scar on my face, even though it was caused by another person. My father caused so much pain for my mother that it got to the point where she hated him. He was constantly pushing me to train better so I could succeed him. Even if it hurt me. My mother tried her best to protect me but sometimes she couldn't and she got hurt herself.

It got to the point where my mother started to hate my left side because it reminder her of my father and one day she snapped and poured boiling water over me. It's because of my father that she snapped like that. It's because of him I was emotionless for so long and it's because of him my mother is in a hospital perminately." He ended angrily. It all made sense now

"Oh Todoroki"


"It makes sense now" you say getting out of your chair and hugging him.

"You've been through so much by yourself for so long, well don't worry because you have me now. Forget about the past no matter how hard it might be and strive forward to the future, to be a hero." After a few seconds Todoroki returned the hug.

"Thank you (Y/N). That means a lot"

I hope that was the request you were after. Anyways guys I'll see you all in the next chapter ✌

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